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Research On The Problems And Plans Of The State-Owned Enterprises Reorganization

Posted on:2004-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360095453302Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the establishment of socialist market economy theory, it is a necessity of transformation from planned economy to market economy. The stated-owned enterprises reorganization is of great importance for a success in economy transformation. The regulation on stated-owned economy strategic structure and the fast development of securities market make a good foundation for the reorganization. The problems in the reorganization are mainly as follows: l.Incompletion of assets reorganization. 2.Assets knocked together manually. 3.Incompletion of share structure. 4.Unbalance of companies management structure. 5.Govemment is still taking responsibilities for problems of the enterprises reorganization. 6.Dishonesty of share issuers and agencies. 7.Securities companies do not bare risk of selling the stock, so they don't care about their companies' quality, so as to the securities issuers.To be adapted to the economic developing of China, in quite a long period of time, the listed companies will still give priority to state-owned enterprises. So it is of great significance that we deal well with the problems relevant. I suggest as follows: 1.Encourage the state-owned enterprises reorganize on a whole. As for those companies which reorganize not on a whole, emphasis should be put on assets actually put into the company and its integrality in order to reduce connected transaction. 2.Have good circulation of the state-owned shares, this can solve the state-owned shares overwhelming problem. Complete and perfect the share structureof the listed companies. 3.Continually complete and perfect the company management structure, especially the establishment of independent director system. 4.Change the government function on the state-owned enterprises reorganization. 5.Continually complete and perfect the honesty system of issuers and agencies. 6.Continually complete and perfect the issuing system and amend the content contradicting to market developing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Security Market, State-owned enterprises, reorganization
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