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Studies On Brand Fostering Of Our Country

Posted on:2004-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P QuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360092993536Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the entry into WTO ,which made consumers bliss, our country's enterprises, on the other hand ,appear solemn and feel at loss, because there will come many foreign enterprises with strong, clear, penetrative and amiable brand, which makes them beyond challenge. The time of brand competition comes with that of product competition gone. As commodities tend to be equaluality , it has become helpless to improve the property of commodities themselves during the process of winning consumers, in this day ,the difference of brand is replacing that of traditional commodity itself, and enterprises are trading in different brand ideas instead of different commodities. In the process of products promoting, it is not commodities itself playing critical role but characteristic and clear brand image of the enterprise. Therefore, it is argent for our country's enterprises to establish brands.Firstly, this paper reviews the history of brand development in America, it developed from brands of consuming products of individual producers to emphasizing brands publicizing, the attendance emerging of brand manager during the Second World War and the contemporary brand management system. It induces the whole developing process in foreign countries into four stages which covers formal brand stage, law brand stage, famous brand stage and commodity brand stage. In the view of the present stage of the brand developing and research in our country, it is comparatively late to initiate brand study and the method of study is also backward. At the same time, enterprise in our country lack systematic planning of brand.Secondly, it introduces the general theory of brand. To begin with, it introduces brand definition of Philip-Ketler who is a famous marketing expert from America. Subsequently, it introduces the meaning, characteristic and function of brand. At the same time, it presents Brand-grow Theory which holds that brand will experience trade make stage, famous name stage, brand stage and strong brand stage. It still systematically states general theories on brand fostering, which include brand establishing and brand extension theory. The former theory includes the meaning of brand loyalty and lays emphasis on recommendation of the way where false loyalty emerges and by which we analyses the value of loyal consumer. The latter theory comprises meaning of brand competition, brand spread and that of brand expansion and its function and risk. At the same time, this theory puts forward the boundary of brand extension and its according model.Thirdly, this paper introduces problems, which consist of brand abusing, high brand pricing, short of brand protection, lack long-term and wholly programming, laying less emphasis on scientific decision, random extension of brand and so on, exist in brand operation of our country. Accordingly, it analyses the cause of problems listed above, which holds that the short history of market economy in our country, less acquaintance with the regularity of brand development and operation, less specialized education of entrepreneurs, less scientific planning of brand establish and brand image portraying and ignoring the foster of brand good reputation and amiable force shouldtake blames.Lastly, this paper brings forward the method and countermeasures of brand operation in our country. At first, we should set up long-term idea and lay emphasis on enhancing value-contain, innovating science and technology, employing brand spilling price prudently, adopting advertising and promoting reasonably. Then we can select suitable countermeasures which cover a great range through brand orienting tactics to brand naming tactics, brand operation maintaining tactics, brand law maintaining tactics and brand renewing tactics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brand, Foster, Tactics
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