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The Research Into The Relevant Theories Of Distribution According To Production Factors

Posted on:2003-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L ZuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360065955761Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From a systematic angle, this thesis expounds, proves and arranges the theories related to distribution according to production factors. And he focuses on the five relevant questions as follows:1.The definition of distribution according to production factors. Firstly, this thesis argues that production factors are both essential conditions and scarce resources for production, which include capital, land, labor force, knowledge and information. Secondly, it proves that the object of distribution according to production factors is not use value, but value. Thirdly, this thesis differentiates the individual form of return of each production factor. Finally, it delves into how to decide the return of production factor.2.The nature of distribution according to production factors. As a neutral distribution mode in market economy, distribution according to production factors is, not peculiar to "capitalism" or to "socialism". However, three differences exist between the two distribution according to production factors in this twodifferent social systems.....socialist system and capitalistsystem: the difference of their purposes, the difference of which distribution sub-mode is the dominant one among all their sub-modes, the difference of whether there is exploitation in distribution according to production factors in this two different social systems.3.the basis for distribution according to production factors, the author reviews the following two viewpoints: "the theory of use value" and "the theory of value created by ' existing' labor", which mistake the creation of value as basis for the distribution of value. Then, based on the review above, the author puts forward the proper basis for the value distribution: the ownership of production factors, some features of production factors and the demands of the current form of China's economy.4.the relationship between distribution according to production factors and distribution according to work. Different viewpoints now exist in theoretical circles as to the relationship mentioned above. This thesis holds that distribution according to work, in essence, belongs toindistribution according to production factors.5.the meanings of distribution according to production factors and six measures for its being carried out. The positive meanings lie in humane, democratic & political, and economic aspects while its negative meanings in the widening of income gap and the inadequacy of investment in public goods and infrastructures. In order to carry out this distribution mode efficiently, six measures should be taken, which are <1>. the transformation of people's concept; <2>. the acceleration of the cultivation of the production factors markets; <3>. the change of the formation of the production factors' price; <4>. the deepening of the reform of firms and households in the market, <5>. the realization of the leading function of the government in the distribution according to production factors.The following are the innovative ideas of this thesis: (1). this thesis divides the labor in general further into such four sorts as: the management labor, the science and technology labor, the labor directly functioning on the material and object in production and the logistics labor. And it also gives their rough definition at the same time. Then, this thesis, through the distinction between innovative labor and regular labor, distinguishes innovative labor force from regular labor force; (2). the author poses a function for the purpose of deciding the return of each production factor, which goes like this: P=f (Qa> Ql, C, I, S, Pf). In this function, P represents returns of production factors; Qa, quantity of production factors; Ql, quality of production factors; C, contribution of production factors; I, importance of production factors; S, scarcity of production factors; Pf, performance of production factors. (3). this thesis points out these production factors all share six similar features: <1>. they are important for production; <2>. the scope...
Keywords/Search Tags:distribution according to production factors, distribution according to work, production factors
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