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The Researchment On Operation Ofenterprise Transformated Intojoinstock Ones And Evaluation Indicators About Econormicbenefit And Chitevement

Posted on:2002-04-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G C SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360032450667Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On October, 1984, the central committee of chinese communist party issued a file named , so some large statewned enterprise began to transform into stockownership and some experimental stockownership unit appeared. After 20 year?s practice, stockownership economy has become an active part of national economy, it is developing with the development of market economy reform.The target of statewned stockownership reform is to improve the profitability of enterprise and its ability to compete in international market. For analyzing the result of stockownership reform and adjusting reform strategy, it is necessary to build up a set of scientific, reasonable indicator or standard to evaluate the benefit and achievement of stockownership reform.According to the practical course of stateownship reform, this article analyses its use of adjusting national economic structure, solving cash shortage,promoting invention ability of enterprise, developing securrity market and strengthening the power of state owned enterprise transformed into stockownership, the mode to recombine and avulse assets, epically lays emphasis on analyzing indicators of ability of asset increment,asset income,asset operation, repayment, development and contribution, in the end, it establishes a system to evaluate the achievement of stockownership reform and give us aset of practical evaluating ways.
Keywords/Search Tags:transform into stockownership, achievement Evaluating indicators
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