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Affective Characteristics Of The Left-wing Novel By Mao Dun

Posted on:2011-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360308465595Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relation between Mao Dun's whole life and the revolution of China is very close. At the period of the Great Revolution, he was a occupational Revolutionist, not only an amateur writer. Focus on this, Mao Dun was evaluated as"a social scientist"by many Research Scholars. Also the scholars thought his works were full of typical and strong"awareness of serve". All the works had strong tendency to participate in the struggle history of modern revolutionary of China. So Mao Dun's works were considered to be scientific papers and social encyclopedia, even the social literature. Indeed, such a evaluation had pointed out some characteristics of Mao Dun's works, but we still had not a comprehensive evaluation. Mao Dun's works show us ample emotions expect for his rational thought. Based on this, this essay will be an analysis and a research on the emotional features of Mao Dun's novels.Chapter 1: disillusion of emotion and struggle in vain.This chapter will analyze the emotional features showed by the novels Eclipse Trilogy and Rainbow。(1)venting under weight This part is a research on the background and motivation of writing. Selling the works for life, the writer's explanation was somewhat farfetched. What was the motivation of writing? After the failure of the Great Revolution, the writer, as a Chinese traditional intellectual, was abandoned and marginalized. He was in the double pressure of the material and spirit, so under cover of"falling in love",he had to write and vent. (2)sinking in the disillusionment Mao Dun's works described that the petty bourgeoisie's ideal of life an society disillusioned step by step, which showed strong emotional features. The writer chose the existential of petty bourgeoisie as the carrier to express feelings(.3)despair in pursuit All the roles in the works pursued personal ideal and despair at the end. The works show us life's frustrations and helplessness and how sadly it is that one cannot realize his dream. (4) Proceeding in loneliness This part analyze emotional features showed by the novel Rainbow。Mei Xing Su's life was hard an helpless and his emotional loneliness, which was also a mirror of Mao Dun's mood.Chapter2: Remodeling of Romanticism and the legend of heroesThis chapter will analyze the emotional features showed by the novels Midnight and the characters through the tragedy hero, Wu Sun Fu's dislocation of emotion. (1) Desire to the city romance What was Mao Dun's attitude to the complex city romance? By reading his works, we know that, expect the rejection on surface, actually, there are attachment, intoxication and desire in their subconscious (2) Classic under the sensibility Reading between the lines, we find that Wu Sun Fu contains strong tendency feelings and the writer's appreciation, humanity and sympathy to him. The success of the character lies in the"tragic character"which was based on the unique emotional experience of writer. During the whole process of career pursuit and the adventure against the fate, Wu Sun Fu have shown a nameless anxiety and tension, unspeakable loneliness, depression, and accompanied with shaking and deserting. ( 3 ) ambivalent emotion looming and sigh of heroic failure From the large gaps between the motivation of creating works and the actual results produced by them, we can find that , after all, a rational starting point could not cover emotional light. Wu Sun Fu is a bold and ambitious, resolute and decisive tough guy. As a hero, he didn't bow to the suffering, but have courage to struggle and face the destruction. The writer told us a spirit, caused the reader a strong resonance the tragic fate of a spirit. Readers have found that a rational starting point could not cover emotional light.Chapter3: torture the soul closely and reappear the temporal anguishThis chapter will analyze the emotional features showed by the novels corrosion and Frost leaves More Gorgeous than Flowers in February In the novels corrosion, the writer used Psychological description to reveal the inner world of unique characters, with touching Charm. Frost leaves More Gorgeous than Flowers in February is a great work which reflects the real life. The work reflected the depressed mood of the May fourth movement youth and paid more attention to the gradient of heart rhythm figures and social awareness, sang a sad song of young intellectuals.(1)Psychological Description reveals real soul The writer looked into the inner world of Zhao Hui Ming and studied his suffering tortuous soul rhythm.(2)human sympathy beyond the class Writer's feeling to Zhao Hui Ming is not only to expose the evil of secret service, but beyond the class of human sympathy(.3)Idealized Zhang Wan Qing Writer shaped a modern young woman, Zhang Wan Qing, with classical Chinese charm. She was a typical Asian woman and had human kindness, human beauty and human feelings. (4) Tragedy of Young intellectuals The infiltration of modern Western material civilization brought the young intellectuals spiritual, psychological loss and depressionThey hovered between radical and conservative, family and society, reality and ideal, old and new concepts of values and way of life. They suffered in loneliness and boredom after waking.Undeniably, Mao Dun's left-wing novels show us ample emotions expect for his rational thought, which is his works'unique artistic charm.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mao Dun, the left-wing novel, affective characteristics
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