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In Visual Transmission Design Spatial Situation Building

Posted on:2011-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305988600Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The present era, visual communication design has already integrated into every aspect of life, small to draw a personal business card, to the entire building a large wall commercials, the plane of the paper from a purely media to have room for the thickness of the media through text, graphics, color layout to create a specific information, in the process of human civilization, visual communication has never been stopped, especially in the 21st century, the digital information society, the plane of the visual design from the simple transmission of information goods and develop to include public welfare, cultural and other fields of information transfer. Digital and electronic information technology, designed to bring a richer visual content and forms. After the information age with the deep social change, especially in optical technology and digital media, extensive application of visual communication design from the original flat shape to a more simple abundant, more feeling of depth in the field of space development. Designers increasingly focus on the design of visual context to create the space.Visual communication design the content and form by the continuous development and emerging media, the visual characteristics of the impact of cultural transmission. In such an information numerous times, business information, public information, cultural information continues to be more in-depth, broader and more diverse visual Fangxiang Yan change, change and impact people39;s aesthetic and visual reading habits. Contemporary visual arts well into the design to a multi-dimensional creative space, visual communication design artists have already satisfied with a simple two-dimensional space of thinking, but to expand their creative horizons to multi-dimensional space range. Modern Visual Communication researchers have done more in-depth on space research and exploration, showing a diverse situation. Always something different space, activities to be concentrated to the same combination of screen performance, to create a logical, different space-time comprehensive, integrated the new structure, to trigger the formation of aesthetic imagery imagination. Including flat space, three-dimensional space, illusion of space, multi-dimensional space, often two or more mixing space forms used to make the design has become more mysterious, shocking. This space is a multidimensional form of the characteristics of the "integrated space", its information content is rich, to give people the feeling of space and unlimited extension of the vast room for reflection and imagination, could learn a completely new experience.Analysis of the article is divided into five parts, the first part of the first chapter is the motivation and status of visual communication design and content and methods brief. The second chapter started on the design of visual spatial context to create the form of a summary and generalization, mainly how two-dimensional space in three-dimensional, four-dimensional and multidimensional performance. The third chapter is to introduce the situation to create a space design method is summed up the second chapter on the basis of the proposed design method. The fourth part is summarized in Chapter III for the design of visual space situational approach to create a specific application of the case studies. The last part is a summary of this study of the subject content, and the situation in the two-dimensional design space for development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Visual transmission, Spatial situation, Spatial thought, Multi-dimensional space
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