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Singing Psychological Factors

Posted on:2011-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This study aimed to explore the topic of teaching singing, training and performance in rendering psychological phenomenon, reflecting the psychological and cognitive conditions, description of psychological factors in the singing reflected in the human brain is a reflection of objective reality.Singing in the techniques, skills and performance, always reflects the song as the voice to sound teaser, extremely rich display. This paper mainly vocal music psychology as a theoretical basis to explain the major psychological factors in the singing played a major role.Based on the theoretical study, using questionnaire survey and interviews, investigation and reading about the professional undergraduate vocal students, from found music, undergraduate teaching in colleges and universities, students are on their cognitive ability and level with the upgrading of the academic year, from do not know is not knowledge, to reach a basic understanding before graduation level. But the students were eager to learn, understand and apply learning in practical psychology knowledge to better singing.The article is divided into four chapters, the first chapter the concept of singing, mainly discusses the basic method of singing, singing skills, techniques, singing performance; Singing in the second chapter of the psychological factors, the main factors discussed in perception, attention to factors that will factor in, memory elements, imagination factors, emotional factors and personality factors; Chapter III of the college students singing investigation and analysis of psychological factors, mainly from two groups and to investigate the case; Chapter IV good psychological factors in the singing of the use of a good deal mainly with the relationship between psychological factors and singing, good psychological factors in the use of singing and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Singing, Psychological, Use
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