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All Rivers Run Into Sea:guilin Sino-japanese War Fine Arts Open Characteristic Historical Inspection

Posted on:2011-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305977971Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Guilin Sino-Japanese war fine arts is an important part of Sino-Japanese culture, Sino-Japanese arts is an important part of China, Guilin and Guangxi as well as in promoting the country's war of resistance plays an important role in the cause. In this paper, based on previous research, trying to learn from the cultural perspective of Sino-Japanese arts movement Guilin characteristics of open investigation, analysis Guilin Sino-Japanese arts movement inherent in the spirit of national culture.Sino-Japanese arts activities in Guilin, the Chinese national unity, tolerance, perseverance, harmony and great spirit of openness has been most fully embodied. This great national spirit in the pool at the national feelings of the Chinese people, encouraged by the enthusiasm of the broad masses of the people of war, supporting an enemy of the Chinese people of one mind made the Victory. Art of the Japanese culture of Guilin, can not just stop at a number of specific activities or on specific matters of investigation, are not confined to the history of Xian Xiang's Jian Dan restore and replication, while the Ying Dang Shi Dai-depth thinking in that great incentive Zhao Zhonghuaminzu unite to fight foreign aggression by the Japanese culture inherent in the great national spirit. It is based on this motivation, the issue sought to Guilin in the war on panoramic art activities based on the study, from the cultural development of open war, admired the spirit of the culture war mining and refining, to reveal in this great historical event implied in the great national spirit.Full-text is divided into five parts.The first part introduces the Sino-Japanese arts of open development in Guilin, the historical background. Articles from The Kuomintang Central Committee of the basic cultural policy in Guangxi during the war relatively relaxed political environment, art salvation thought, literary theory wartime ideological and geographical and cultural traditions of the five aspects of Sino-Japanese arts Guilin open development reasons. Article sought to show that Anti-Japanese War in Guangxi relatively relaxed political environment and new construction of Guangxi is Guilin Sino-Japanese arts culture of open development, social and cultural factors, art and war saving the trend is to explore literary ideas of open Guilin Sino-Japanese arts and cultural development of geo-science factors, the Chinese Communist Party, the Kuomintang Clique, the KMT left the KMT democratic solidarity and cooperation is the Sino-Japanese arts movement open Guilin development of political and cultural factors.The second part, mainly from the perspective of the masses involved in the specific study of the Sino-Japanese arts of Guilin openness. The article points out, many Sino-Japanese artsists into the personal lives of the great art of Japanese business, and actively join the resistance fighting flood into the fiery life, and reach out further to carry out real-life art, making art of Ariel Sharon to the front war war-torn ; and numerous types of art at all levels of society in the rear painted a piece of Japanese culture on the magnificent picture; article also through various forms of mass art activities, such as the elimination of sectarianism joint war art activities, and create all kinds of advance new forms of war propaganda art, and actively guide the community arts promote popular participation in resistance activities to start discussion shows how the Sino-Japanese arts from the art of temple to society from the big stage, further emphasize the Guilin Art Japanese culture is a culture of openness.The third part, mainly on the Sino-Japanese arts of Guilin in the art exhibition, art education, art exchanges, art and publication of the divergence type broadcast distribution and social functions. Among them, the art exhibition vividly recorded the true history of resistance to broaden the geographical coverage of Sino-Japanese arts publicity; art education is to mobilize all the people the war, to improve military and civilian arts literacy, and to enhance unity and co-promote the arts an important cause of their own development path; Art Exchange broaden the cultural arts of academic communication and creative vision of artists, Sino-Japanese arts world in a more extensive show its deep vitality; art publishing is opening up Sino-Japanese arts and cultural development of the natural product, at the same time to further promote the prosperity of the Guilin Arts War development.The fourth part, the article start from diverse genres, through the Sino-Japanese arts of Guilin rich description of artistic expression, and further demonstrates the cultural development of Guilin open resistance characteristics. Guilin Japanese comic rich in content, the publication highlights the individuality, creativity effective, support and flexibility. Guilin closely with Japanese woodblock situation, get rid of a lot of rich flavor of the times created the woodcut new work, and the combination of resistance need to create a new genre of war-time, "Wood Man" in order to effectively meet the Japanese. Guilin Japanese painting styles of her remarkable, regardless of form or content of both the qualitative leap. Guilin Japanese painting and other painting styles have been a better time in the development of resistance.The fifth part, the Sino-Japanese arts of open development Guilin to sum up. The article points out, open the nation must have been continuously advance the development of a culture of Guilin, the spirit of Sino-Japanese arts in the open spirit of Chinese culture in the new historical conditions of reproduction and sublimation. The article emphasizes that broad social life is the art of flying a source wizard, always forging ahead is inexhaustible motive force for development of national art, eclectic art and culture is an important mechanism to constantly improve services to people of Guilin in the open in the new Sino-Japanese arts eternal theme . Article concluded Guilin open war art history of the development contribution - the creation of a large number of fine art has enriched the culture of Chinese art Sino-Japanese arts world, the popularity of art education and art talents to improve the quality of art the general public and useful Academic examines the construction of China's modern art theory, art activities to promote the mass and the general public out of a combination of artistic career.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guilin, Sino-Japanese War Fine Arts, Open Development, Characteristic, National Spirit
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