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A Preliminary Research On The Design Of RMB's Banknotes

Posted on:2011-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305963683Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In human society the emergence of currency is not an accident, it is the inevitable consequence of the development of human productivity. The banknotes is a particular representation of the currency while the currency system has reached maturity. The conception of paper money is relatively to those currency that made by natural or metal materials. The general of banknote is the kind of specifically currency that formed by paper and be printed a class of denomination. From the initial means of circulation to the present, banknote has been given too many functions. The design of banknote is also more complex, and more diverse style. Different countries have different Currency. In China, the People republic of china's currency is the lawful currency called the RMB. RMB is the main lemma of this paper.China is the first country to use paper money, and also the first printing of bank notes by the authority in this whole world. Its issuance can be traced back hundreds of years ago, the Song Dynasty. At the birth of paper money, It's just a kind of commercial media. After several years development, The banknotes became a kind of symbols that have special function and meaning. RMB as the carrying objects of the China's financial activities, as a kind of currency it has all the functions of the currency:the scale of value, measure of circulation, storage means, way of payment and world currency. But now, for paper money, in addition to its original features, it has been seen as a work of art, a means of communication, the kind of representative of cultural values. For a country, the banknotes representing the state, banknotes is a kind of ambassador, banknotes is the image project. We can say that without hesitate the banknotes is the reflection of corresponding country. Banknotes is delivered from one place to another every day, the states have understanding of each other, cultural has been transported together, that far more convenient than the passport. The symbolism of ten notes is far beyond its own value. Banknotes design is such a mystery that at the aspect of symbolism, the RMB is overstep the U.S. dollars every minute. Banknote design is a complicated and systematic project, the shape and the size of note, meaning of design, used of color, the style of layout, security technology, materials selection, are should be considered in the design process.Since the Bank of People Republic of china establishment in 1948 in Shijiazhuang city, it's issued five series of the RMB with the development of the China. The different term of developmental process of china determine the design elements and style of RMB. It's can be expected that, with the country's development in the further and at the trend of globalization, the design of RMB will be unfold a new style. Through analysis and research of this article, I can draw the following conclusions: First, the notes do not have a uniform design standards, perhaps unlike other design work, due to the special status of the paper money that makes it have a kinds of limitations in a particular level. The development of RMB will be constrained by this limitation inevitably but in other aspect its has a vast space. Second, with the accelerated of globalization the design style of the RMB have to reached a kind of harmony between nationalism and internationalization, how to make the design of RMB to preserving national characteristics and also be accepted by the world's human at the trend of internationalization is a question that worth to be considering. Third, the RMB's security functional design will amalgamation with a decorative pattern and the anti-counterfeiting technologies and convenience also will reach a perfect balance.
Keywords/Search Tags:banknotes, RMB, Style, Design
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