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Ecological Analysis Of Arts College Entrance Examination Hot

Posted on:2011-09-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D LuoFull Text:PDF
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The rapid development of China's arts and professional college entrance examination, is the formation of unique Chinese characteristics of contemporary art test heat. As a major means of selecting and art talents, artistic entrance examination for the professional development of the cause of China's arts irreplaceable importance, but now the development too far, contrary to the laws of development of education has caused a series of adverse consequences, this paper attempts to ecological science perspective "Arts exam fever" professional entrance examination of art as an educational ecosystem, from the ecological environment are analyzed Arts test the ecological environment on the impact of arts college entrance examination, entrance examination to the professional development of art provide useful inspiration and feasible strategy.Article is divided into five parts.The first part is introduction. Describes the origins and research topics of significance, analyzing and summarizing the "Arts exam fever" Research and education in ecology, outlining research methods and ideas to illustrate the value and significance of the study.The second part is art test and consequences of thermal analysis of the status quo. First introduced the art of professional entrance examination approaches and professional categories and so on, and then describes the art examination of the heat is mainly reflected in art colleges and more arts students to test, training schools and more training is expensive and so on. And for art exam heat on the basis of art education, arts training and education, arts and professional education colleges and universities, candidates and the candidates thinking of the family, employment, five aspects to analyze the impact of arts test thermal consequences.The third part Arts education is divided into examination of ecosystem analysis. Begins by describing the facts and ecological studies as well as its application in the educational field, for eco-art thermal analysis to test theoretical support, and then, the use of ecological principles, will test to see art as an educational eco-system, analysis of arts education test ecosystem structure and function, defined the Arts and test the significance of education and the role of the ecosystem.The fourth part is divided into arts test thermal analysis of ecological and environmental problems. Arts and ecological environment of the test is divided into three levels. The first is the macro environment, macro-ecological environment is divided into the natural environment, social environment, regulatory environment, from the three environment to analyze its interaction with the arts test; again is the concept of the ecological environment, mainly from secondary schools, training courses, Family, Colleges and Universities in the concept of the four eco-environment to analyze its impact on the arts test. Finally, micro-ecological environment, the main test for art students to analyze the physical and psychological characteristics of its interaction with the art thermal test.The fifth part is to study heat problems. According to the ecological environment and the impact of arts test, using education, the two basic laws of ecology-the mechanism of competition and co-evolution laws, the law of balance and imbalance in-depth analysis of the art test heat problem and limiting factor for the use of the law, education, ecological chain, niche Principle 3 corresponds to the basic principles of ecology, education, arts hot three-level test environment, put forward a series of possible strategies for the development of the arts professional entrance examination of new ideas and programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arts College Entrance Examination Hot, Education, Ecology
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