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The Research On Sinongsi In Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2011-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X J KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305950237Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The central administrative machinery of Tang Dynasty had followed the tradition of Sui Dynasty, Which had established"San sheng Liu bu Jiu si Wu jian"and"San sheng Liu bu "as the central authorities. As one administrative setup of "Jiu si", sinongsi took charge of "the nation warehousing", "kinds of department government officials' granary in the capital" and "needs toward the court meeting, the sacrifice and requirement of Emperor and officials", with"Shang lin, Tai cang,Gou dun, Dao guan" as its affiliates, under which there were "Zhu cang jian, Si zhu jian,Wen quan tang jian,Jing du yuan zong jian,Jing du yuan si mian jian,Zhu tun jian,Jiu cheng gong zong jian and so on ". This research addressed on five aspects Sinongsi in Tang Dynasty, its structure,status,officer appointment, and functions in the power system.(1) The structure and system of sinongsi. Firstly, Setting a brief description of structure and system of sinongsi, then finding out the the difference in historical records between Jiu tang shu-Zhi guan zhi,Xin tang shu Zhi guan zhi, Tang liu dian volume 16 Sinongsi and Tong dian. (2) The status of sinongsi in the central government of Tang Dynasty. sinongsi's supply functions could not take effect without other agencies. This chapter aim to examine the business relationship among Sinongsi,Shangshusheng and Yushitai, to expound the position of sinongsi, its relationship with other agencies and the change of sinongsi in Late Tang Dynasty.(3) The appointment and promotion of Tang Sinongqing and Shaoqing. As one of national financial institutions, sinongsi took charge of "the nation warehousing"and had its own standards to appointment and promote its officers. This chapter will make an analysis on four aspects, working attitude, moral character, the position characteristics and the official duties, in order to analyze the appointment and promotion of the official of sinongsi, Si nong qing and Shao qing.(4) The charge of Sinongqing and Shaoqing. According to the official ranks of Tang Dynasty, Sinong qing and Shao qing were senior officials. They took charge of local revenue, the management of its subordinates,compiling historical document, recommending the virtuous and able and so on. Besides, they would be sent for temporary purpose, such as participating in the military action or conducting a funeral.(5) The Function of sinongsi. In the early Tang Dynasty, The Function of sinongsi was mainly responsible for the grain warehousing and the management of agroforestry and forestry. In the late Tang Dynasty, Sinongsi basically became an idle organization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tang Dynasty, Sinongsi, Elected, Charge, Function
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