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The Analysis Of Accident-Class Textual Connective In Modern Chinese

Posted on:2011-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H XinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305466185Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation probes into the distribution semantic and pragmatic functions of the accident-class textual connective, and observes and analyzes their construction and the cause of leading to grammaticalization.The first Chapter is the introduction, including research object,research meaning and research current situation.Chapter 2 investigates the language units which accident-class textual connective connected with,the distribution in text,the co-occurrence situation of accident-class textual connective. By the survey, we found that accident-class textual connective occur in the sentence-initial position connected with clauses,sentences,sentence groups. They can co-occur with the adverb,conjunction and similar successive application.Chapter 3 analyse the relationships of semantic between antecedent and consequent which accident-class textual connective connected with. Including three kinds of situations:1)the an unexpected transition connection.2)the an unexpected consequence.3) the contrastive semantic relationship. And observes and analyzes the textual informational function,the choice of stylistic. we found that the accident-class textual connective have the function of marking informational focus and in various stylistic on the choice of accident-class textual connectives have prior grade.Chapter 4 observes grammaticalization situation of accident-class textual connective of indicating the result from the angle of the diachronic, probes into the problems of grammaticalization situation, construction and the cause of leading to grammaticalization, and explained some phenomena. By the survey, we found that the accident-class textual connectives are differ in ways of formation,dates of creation,evolutionary mode and degree of grammaticalization. The common semantic foundation and re-analysis are the motivations of grammaticalization.Chapter 5 sums up and summarizes the full dissertation, points out the deficiency of this text and research direction later.
Keywords/Search Tags:accident-class textual connective, distribution, semantic and pragmatic, grammaticalization
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