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A Study On The Four Groups Of Concept In The Lakāvatāra-sūtra

Posted on:2011-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360302998010Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The four groups of concept are the main ideas of Lakavatara-sutra, and clearly states that the entire contents in Lakavatara-sutra can be summarized as it, even Buddhism itself, it is also known as the main ideas of Lakavatara-sutra. The five dharmas can include the Four Groups of Concept too, by the supplement of tathagatagarbha, it is possible to clarify the main ideas of the context of Lakavatara-sutra, starting from the analysis of the five dharmas and explaining the three forms, the eight vijnanas, the two fold egolessness, and is helpful to understand the whole standpoint of the Lakavatara-sutra in essence. Therefore, this method is that from the Four Groups of Concept, their mutual relations and the association with tathagatagarbha to illustrate. The paper is divided into five parts:First, the essential elements of the five dharmas. In this paper, the four volumes'translation of the La kavatara-sutra is the main object of study, and with the reference of the relevant translation of the seven volumes to sum up the five dharmas. Firstly, to describe the meanings of the five dharmas in detail. Secondly, to analyze the relationships of five dharmas and make a base for further studying.Second, the three forms and their relationships with the five dharmas. Firstly, the detailed analysis of the three forms, and to explain the mutual relationships of them based on the La kavatara-sutra. Secondly, to show that the three forms are of no self-nature. Finally, to state the specific relationship between it and the five dharmas.Third, the eight vijnanas and the relationship with the five dharmas. Firstly, to show the meaning of the eight vijnanas and its relationship according to the detailed analysis of the scripture. Specially, to illustrate the function of collecting seeds of the eighth vijnanas. Secondly, the focus is the status and roles of the sixth and eighth vijnanas in the eight vijnanas. Finally, to demonstrate the specific relationship between it and the five dharmas.Fourth, the two fold egolessness and the relationship with the five dharmas. First of all, to explain their specific meaning and the relationship according to the scripture. Secondly, to indicate that the two fold egolessness is getting rid of the phase and the law, the removement of worry and the obstacle of wisdom are both the basis for practice. Finally, to show the specific relationship between the two fold egolessness and the five dharmas.Fifth, tathagatagarbha and its relationship with the five dharmas. Firstly, to state the three meanings of tathagatagarbha:the natural tathagatagarbha, empty tathagatagarbha and unwise situation. Secondly, according to the scripture, to emphasize that tathagatagarbha is not the ego tathagatagarbha actually. Buddha said like that is just for human beings, unlike the heretics said that the tathagatagarbha is indeed the See. Finally, to display tathagatagarbha and the specific relationship with the five dharmas, and also to imply their relationships with the four groups of concept.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lakavatara-sutra, The five dharmas, Tathagatagarbha
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