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The Deontic Logic Of Von Wright

Posted on:2011-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper aims at the Deontic logic of von Wright·a comprehensive, systematic, thorough combing and research, clear von·Wright called the "chameleon" of reason, to clarify the reason he created the Deontic logic of its main ideas, focusing on von·Wright's four kinds of moral logic system, analysis of von Wright, Deontic Logic·exist (such as:semantic, moral paradox, etc.) problems, we try to outline a preliminary plan to address these issues, and von Wright·Deontic logic to make a brief comment, in order to deepen our understanding of the well-known scholar of contemporary philosophy of understanding and promote our academic Laite Zhe Feng·Thought and moral aspects of logic.This paper is divided into three chapters:Chapter 1:Rev Wright·an overview of the Deontic logic of the theory. Is to introduce the Deontic logic of von Wright·the historical background of the moral logic of von Wright·the process of production, that the moral logic of the von·Wright-depth study of theoretical and practical significance.Chapter 2:Von·Wright Deontic logic of the system. Is to introduce the von·Wright Deontic logic system, logic system of moral values exist, that this Deontic logic flaws, moral construct formal logical system.Chapter 3:von Wright, Deontic Logic·Problems of. Mainly of Von·Wright abandoned the Deontic logic of the semantic system of reason, of von Wright, Deontic Logic·Paradox of the causes of the paradox of programs that address the shortcomings of existing, to resolve the moral paradox von Wright·provide a preliminary program.
Keywords/Search Tags:Von Wrigh, Deontic Logic, System, Deontic paradox, Semantics
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