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A Typeface Past 50 Years-Helvetica

Posted on:2011-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360302992420Subject:Art of Design
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We always encounter chooses of different kinds of Typefaces. Especially in the option towards sans serif. Which one should be picked up? And then which one is the best choice? It puzzled us somehow. So, this article is actually introduce the quality and characteristic of the most useful typeface-Helvetica, Because in major field of any aspects of design works, it is available, elegant, and tasteful.Fonts have been telling us something, always conveys a certain mood and atmosphere, giving the text a certain color.Frankly, when I first consider their own dissertation topic, I am not prepared to select research aspects of Western fonts. Because at that time, a variety of Western fonts for me, like stars in the sky, as if I could only distinguish large and small, South and North, as I know them all together with the non-serif serif no more than ten categories. However, as one must have professional skills, I started to pay attention every time in a different font, every detail. Slowly, all kinds of fonts I was hooked, the differences between their personalities gradually familiar to me. About a year later, I found that the design of activity on weekdays, I have focused, the Chin-Lai fonts getting smaller. The same time, in research related to the font of knowledge, compare and record the works of masters of Western graphic design, whether in Book Design, posters, or identification system, they would like for the font choice is more dense, most are in the Futura, Lucida, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Verdana, caslon select more than ten kinds of fonts. In particular, in the selection of sans-serif fonts (character strokes start and end where there is no extra decoration, and the straight horizontal stroke thickness the same), when, Helvetica-this sans-serif fonts are still widely used for. Whether it is a very thick, very fine or a conventional form of... Helvetica always extremely busy in every corner we can see."No matter where you look at, you always can see a variety of fonts. However, there is a possibility to see the largest number, and that is Helvetica. They are there, as if the original is part of the environment."-Massimo Vignelli President of International Council of Graphic Design Association (AGI)In my opinion, Helvetica is a unique charm, and can be widely used fonts. The most important thing is, I think: Helvetica full level of the word line incision and valley-shaped with a negative relationship between, creating the transmission of information of its non-discriminatory.Based on this, in order to be able to more in-depth experience of Helvetica, as well as to be able to better applications in the Helvetica font coincides with the 50th anniversary of the birth of today, I decidedmy thesis "Beyond half a century sans-serif font-Helvetica.
Keywords/Search Tags:Years-Helvetica
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