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The Reseach On "V Chuan" And Its Related Formats

Posted on:2011-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360302991986Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on large-scale corpus, this thesis researches on "V chuan" form. It is made up of three parts:the introduction, the main body and the conclusion.The introduction introduces the significance of the form, the present situation, the aim of the research as well as the theories, methods and corpuses to be utilized.Chapter two analyzes "Chuan" in "V chuan" form from the semantic aspects. We supply a relatively comprehensive description of the types of semantics of "chuan", analyze the semantic features of "V" in different structures of "V chuan", and describe the discourse markers of "V chuan 2b" from the subjective and syntax in detail.Chapter three focuses on "V chuan" from the syntax perspective. Through description, We know that "V chuan" can serve as the different syntax elements in a sentence, and can choose different sentences, and find the characteristics of "V chuan" that are different from other general dynamic resultants.Chapter four concentrates on the analysis of the development and evolution of "V chuan" in the history of Chinese. We reach the conclusion that "V chuan" germinated and formed in Tang Dynasty, then matured in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Moreover, we explain the motives and mechanisms of "V chuan" by using the Principles of Grammaticalization.Chapter five mainly makes the entire comparison among "V chuan", "V tou" and "V po" from syntax and semantics.Finally, the conclusion summarizes the contents of the research on "V chuan".
Keywords/Search Tags:"V chuan", Syntactic, Semantic, Grammaticalization
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