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Typical Characteristics And Basic Formats Of Causative V-R Construction

Posted on:2011-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y FangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360302492333Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There are a lot of previous researches on V-R constructions, but most just generally mixed them together which have not been defined clearly, especially for a typical Causative V-R construction scholars have not yet reached a unified consensus, we should further make a deep discussion. This article aims to describe the typical structural features of V-R construction based on the previous research, thereby define strictly the scope of our study, lodge the concept "self- Causative" for the first time, and ultimately define four basic formats.The first chapter is an introduction section, a brief overview of the theory and application of this research method, selection of sources of meaning and corpus, and the results of previous studies were reviewed and summarized.The second chapter describes the synchronic point of view led to the typical meaning of resultative characteristics and thus the scope of this study to strictly defined.Chapter III and IV respectively of the four basic format of a detailed description of the main result from their four elements, integration methods, such as analysis of the derived sentence description.Chapter V on the basic format of four related variants derived from discussions to try. There are problems with the discussion of price, "led by" discussion, object body parts for a term fixed price resultant discussion, the verb to use law discussion.Chapter VI is the conclusion part, briefly summarize the main points of this article, the need for further research, and the shortcomings of my research.
Keywords/Search Tags:cause, V-R constructions, integration
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