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A Study Of "JiuX+VP" And Its Relevance

Posted on:2010-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360302464884Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper aims at the analysis of structure of "JiuX+VP". Apart from the preface and conclusion, this paper includes four chapters.Chapter One studies the structural feature and syntactic distribution of "JiuX+VP" in an attempt to the insight into its syntactic meaning. Besides, this paper also makes a survey of frequency concerning the syntactic distribution of the structure and the reason behind this.Chapter Two further explains the relation between the "X" and "VP" to unravel the semantic link and feature of structure "JiuX+VP", including the component of the "X", structural feature of the "VP" and their inherent relation for the sake of regulations that govern the structure and its parts.Chapter Three focuses on the comparison and contrast between "JiuX+VP" and its relevant sentences. First, it is found that the cause and source of preposition "Jiu" along its grammarliazation trace. Furthermore, comparison is made to explore the differences and similarities between the structure "JiuX+VP" and "dui X+VP" to touch on the semantic feature of them. Moreover, more unique semantic features of"JiuX+VP" have been dealt with through the comparison of "JiuX+VP" and "dui......eryan/laishuo".Chapter Four explores the pragmatic and paragraph function of the structure "JiuX+VP". We summarize such function as that of the topic markedness, sentence connection and paragraph confinement from this structure. In addition, we also analyze the distribution of the structure from style of writing.
Keywords/Search Tags:"JiuX+VP", structural feature, syntactic distribution, semantic mode
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