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The Charming Of Gloom

Posted on:2010-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W G ShuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360302462082Subject:Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
One person can not be ignored among modern writers , and this one is called Sutong. Each of his work can bring a lot of comments in the critics field. His works, from"wives and concubines"to"the beauty"and"rice", could bring a new taste to the people. He can utilize a unique style to refresh the readers'minds. His works breeze a fresh air to modern literature. His sense and concern about human's living circumstances , women living condition in particular, and also the brilliant narration and demonstration , appear rather unique among the peers. This essay reconsiders Suntong's works from four parts to explain the origin of women by the perspective of women images. Part one, The artistic demonstration of women origin. The women in his works carry such characteristics as beauty, molder, mystery, morbidity, madness, sinister, effeminacy, crankiness, brutality, mordancy, asperity, gall, vanity, selfishness, and stink. His works showcase the humanistic concern about women through the exploration and consideration of women lives. Part two, The conscious origin of women tragedy. Such tragedy originated from the consciousness of adherence and self puzzlement. Part three, The significance of demonstration of women origin. Sutong reveals the real fact ignored by the people for so long time by uncovering the gloominess and ugliness of human being. Part four, The limitation of women demonstration. The author would put forward the personal views about the deficiency in Sutong's works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sutong, women, existence, puzzledom, origin
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