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Internal Puzzledom In Subjectivity And A Sound Way Out

Posted on:2008-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215956851Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The issue of subjectivity exists with human beings, but development of self consciousness on subjectivity is a long process, which is a course reflecting the unity of history and logic ,realistic advancement of subjectivity as well as stepwise forming of subjectivity consciousness. From the comprehensive view of philosophic history, the forming and standing out of subjectivity made up of four steps: confusion between subject and object in primitive society, primary division between them by ontological constitution in Greek, giving subjectivity prominence in the relation of subject and object in modern philosophy, emphasizing subjectivity to the maximum extent in Germany classical philosophy.Advancement of subjectivity is a mark of progress of social productivity and civilization. However, when it develops to some extent, the problem caused by expansion of subjectivity emerges. Confronting with an internal puzzledom in subjectivity, we must find out reasons and a sound way out.In the introduction of this paper, the author gavse an account on the general situation about issue of subjectivity, academic circles'research as well as the problem in dire need of resolving and the outline of writing .The thesis makes a discussion on internal puzzle in subjectivity and outlet in fine parts.First part gives a brief introduction about subjectivity. To start with subject, the paper elaborates connotation ,origin ,evolution of subject as well as relationship of subject-object. Then , it expatiates meaning of subjectivity, confirmation on the principle of subjectivity ,development trend of the function of subjectivity. Second part introduces meaning and representation of internal puzzle in subjectivity. Firstly, explains what the internal puzzle in subjectivity refers in this paper in order to orient a range of narration and then expatiates on representation of internal puzzle in subjectivity in viewpoints of relations of human being to nature, society and itself. The third part analyses causation resulting internal puzzle in subjectivity in four aspects, namely, the nature of mankind, deficiency of subjectivity theory in itself, social and historical condition and relation of subject - object. The last part analyses the most representational ideas solving internal puzzle in subjectivity, and indicates shortcoming of them.The next, brings forward a basic outline to resolve the problem from the views of Marxism subjectivity theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:subject, object, subjectivity, internal puzzledom
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