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Studies On Historical Complex Phenomenon In Contemporary Mass Culture

Posted on:2010-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278968687Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the late 1980s, historical work has been very popular,much work has been familiar in the audience,such as The Emperor Series of Er Yuehe, Appreciate Annals of the Three Kingdoms of Yi Zhongtian, TheHistory of Ming Dynasty of Dangnian Mingyue......History has been thehot topic in the field of culture. In the contemporary era, commodity economy is the most important form of social life, along with entertainment, recreation, leisure and popular culture to fashion a comprehensive surge, the history also becomes one marketable cultural commodity, is carrying on nakedly tauction and expense, people love to talk about in the Han Tang Ming and Qing Dynasties' prosperous times , king military and political leader's civilizing role of government, ruthlessstruggle of palace ......At the state High-speed economic and socialdevelopment today, the reason of historical greatly hot is various, complex. The ingrained historical complex of Chinese cause the people still can not be able to get over the historical culture with an emotion easily way in advanced modernization epoke, the populace is familiar with, and is glad to understand the historical knowledge from each literary work because of the literature and history does not divide the cultural psychology . As people are eager for quick success and instant benefit , the public hope can find "learns from another's mistakes", obtained the new life inspiration from winners and losers of the previous experiences . Disorder during the period of transformation of society and culture led to the loss of traditional culture urges the people to attempt from the traditional culture to find the mind to console, evasion reality . The growing prosperity of the electronic media played a great role in promoting on the thermal history and culture, the union of literary work and electronic media enhance the visibility of the work has attracted more audiences.Though mass culture can popularize the knowledge of history,the harmful effects of "history complex" are also obvious.It may give people wrong opinion about historical knowledge,create history,and it is nor benefit for the development of culture. At the same time as keen to draw on the content of history, duplicate, resulted in the arts of the lack of creativity and imagination to some extent in the field of culture, so that the development of cultural vitality lost. The historical culture is the paragenetic mineral, essence and dregs with in, must as intrinsic inherit take the time development request based on the critique ,the performance of historical and cultural needs of the creators in the basis of historical facts, with the future of mining to extract the values and spirit of universal significance of the "soul".
Keywords/Search Tags:contemporary, mass culture, historical complex
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