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The Spreading Of Tibetan Buddhism In Its Initial Period

Posted on:2010-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278497109Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When you do the research about how Tibetan Buddhism spread to Tibetan, Three issues must be discussed first, namely, the reason for the spreading of Tibetan Buddhism to Tibetan, the time of Tibetan Buddhism spreading to Tibetan, the fight between the Buddhism and Bonpo before Buddhism gained its position in Tibet formly. This paper is divided into three parts and discusses the three issues separately.From the period Songtsen Gampo coming into contact with Buddhism to the period Buddhism established when Thrisong Deutsen was in power, to consolidate its power the royal family has a long time struggle with the minister who believed in Bonpo. It's said that the reason why the royal family honored Buddhism and the social background information for it are complicated. It is connected with some other items. In terms of the reason why the Buddhism spread to Tibet finally, we should take the political and social development and the historical background into consideration.Tibetan Buddhism experienced a very long and complex process. It is about a century from the time Buddhist culture emerging in Tibet to the time of Buddhism spreading in Tibet. During this period, although Buddhism has been existing in Tibetan community intermittently, it didn't gain a secure foothold. In 88o's, namely twenty years after hrisong Deutsen being in power, the local monks began to be engaged in the activities of Buddhist monks. And Buddhism began to e gain its position officially as a kind of believes in Tibet.Throughout the history of fighting between Buddhism and Bonpo, we will realize that when Buddhism was thriving, it was the power of the royal family that was at a dominant position; when Buddhism was in decline, it was a time when btsan-po was young and a time of the declination of the imperial power.The royal family has a long-time struggle with the minister who believed in Bonpo to consolidate its power. The fighting is closely connected with the power of the royal family. It is not only a kind of struggle between different believes, but also a struggle between different ruling circles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Buddhism, Tibetan, spreading, a struggle between different ruling circles, fighting between Buddhism and Bonpo
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