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Distinguish Forgery Essence Of Liezi From Vocabulary And Grammar Angles

Posted on:2010-10-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278480005Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Liezi was suspected to be forgery since the Song Dynasty.There are two main points:One is that Liezi is a forgery all from someone., Liezi is compiled by many people. Another view is that Liezi was not written by Liezi, probably compiled according to the Wei, Jin′s literature books about the historical data of Liezi′s thinking. But in any case, Liezi was written around the Wei and Jin Dynasties is certain .Many scholars view that the book both reflects the style of ancient chinese language before the Wei-Jin Dynasties and some characteristics of the Wei,Jin Dynasties. In this thesis,I conpact the ancient before Wei and Jin Dynasties with the representations of the literature in Wei-Jin Dynasties,I find out a lot of terms of grammar pre-Qin literature which has not produced in the same period , but most of these phenomena appear in the medieval period, thus it is confirmed that Liezi is a forgery.This thesis is divided into three chapters.The first chapter is the introduction of Liezi, research status, this article aims and methods of writing .The second chapter is to have a research on the times significance about some of lexicon .SectionⅠfrom the perspective of semantics,I will clarify the forgery nature of the author. SectionⅡ, through the corpus contrast,I will study the newly emerging simple words, then fix its age roughly. SectionⅢ,I will analyze the emerging synthesis of the lexicon, from the perspective of the word formation and composition of parts of speech clarify the times.and to reveal the essence of the forgery. SectionⅣ, I will study the single case of pre-Qin,a large number of facts have shown that a book which have so many cases of uniqueness that the phenomenon is inconceivable.It is precisely proved Liezi pseudo-book nature. ChapterⅢ,I have a research on the emerging phenomenon of syntax, and syntax is the most illustrative means of identifying forgery. A large number of grammar phenomenon that emerge from the book of medieval period from which we can see that it is obvious forgery signs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liezi, Vocabulary, Grammar, Identify forgery
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