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Study On Obedient Officials In ZhaoXuan' Period

Posted on:2009-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278471246Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since Sima Qian originated the Obedient Officials Biography in The Records of the Grand Historian, the obedient officials have then become a kind of government official, focused by the later historians of each dynasty. Zhaoxuan Period is not only an important historical stage in the former Han Dynasty, but also the historical period when the obedient officials poured forth, which intently manifested the obedient official's characteristic and became the later obedient officials' models. There are lots of researches on this. This thesis is based on the previous researches and trying to give a further explanation of the obedient officials on the Zhaoxuan Period of the former Han Dynasty.The thesis is divided into seven chapters. Firstly there is a brief list on the related research results on the obedient officials in Han Dynasty (including the obedient officials in ZhaoXuan period), drawing out the concept of obedient officials, discussing generally on the upright and law-abiding official concept's vicissitude, explaining the main category of the present paper research and setting forth the reasons why there are lots of obedient officials in Zhaoxuan Period in order to discuss the types and the characteristics of the obedient officials in the Zhaoxuan Period, which is an innovative trying on researching the obedient officials. Then there is the comment on these officials from both the positive side and the negative side. Finally it is the conclusion, summarizing the theme and the significance of this thesis.On the methods of researching, this thesis insisting on the historical dialectic materialism, employing the research method of history, focusing on the unity of specific and abstract features on historical researching, the unity of historical and logical methods. It is not easy to have innovation from the previous researches. Meanwhile, it will be significant in reality for this research on the obedient officials in Zhaoxuan Period.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhaoxuan period, Obedient officials, Research
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