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The Study On Uighur's Jadid Education In Xinjiang

Posted on:2010-07-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M T L A S ReFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278461783Subject:History of Chinese Ethnic Minorities
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The prosperity of Uighur secular science education in Xinjiang is an inevitable and natural result of the social development of Xinjiang, and it is also the outcome of the increasingly close economic and cultural interaction between Xinjiang and inner land,middle Asia. At the end of the Qing dynasty and the beginning of Republic of China, China was in rapid reform and riot. All kinds of reformation emerged fiercely in Xinjiang, of which the"ideology of educational reformation in inner land which is under the call of learn from the west, save the country by education";"ideology related to reformation of education based on contents of the modernization of Islam"; and"ideology pertaining to the capitalism from the western"are of great influence. Under this special historical atmosphere, some Uighur capitalists began to learn from Inner land and Europe, trying to reform the old education system and introducing math, history, geography and PE into classroom education. However, because of the backward resources of that time and the lack of teachers, the reformation failed at last. Meanwhile, the Jadid educational reform emerged in Tatar of middle Asia obtained great fruits. This race share similar language and culture with Uighur, so their reform draw Uighur capitalists'great attention and they begin to learn from them, carry out educational reformation and establish new schools.This reform can be divided into three stages. From1870 to 1911 is the start, during which the Jadid education suffered serious objection from the conservatives and its influential power is limited, but after all, its emergence brought a new stimulation into Uighur society, compared with the traditional education, it had showed great advantages and it also began to be separated from Islam in terms of teaching method, teaching contents and mutual relations. From1911 to 1933 is the stage of rudimentary development, during which Jadid education had covered much more areas and a complete system including junior education, senior education and education by going abroad had taken shape, in addition to this, women's education and vocational education had also been emphasized. In secular school, the teaching of the motto of religion had become secondary to the teaching of modern science. And, the view that learning science will be beneficial for the development of the society has been accepted by Uighur's. From1933 to 1943 is the stage of further development, during which Jadid education had win more acceptance, besides the support from civilians ,government had also begin to support the education from financial investment and policy inclination, which encouraged the development of Jadid education and bring it in a prosperity. At that time, Jadid education had spreaded from cities to villages, even to the rural areas. Those who are against Jadid at first had accepted it at last. And they sold the belongings in mosque and donate the fortune to the schools. From then on, education in Xinjiang had changed fundamentally, shifting from the religious education characterized by the teaching of religious lection to secular education characterized by its emphases on science. But during this process, to some extent, there are some foreign teachers spreading the ideology of separatism in the name of Jadid education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xinjiang, Uighur, Jadid education, Study
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