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A Study Of Folklore In The Translation Of Moment In Peking-from The Perspective Of Skopos Theory

Posted on:2010-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q F WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275987617Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The success of the English novel Moment in Peking can be explored from different perspectives. One of the main reasons is that the author Lin Yutang managed to show western readers a panoramic and magnificent picture of Chinese folklore. In this regard, no modern Chinese novel is on a par with the English book, in which the extravagant spectacles, delicate descriptions and rich cultural connotations are superb.Though there are several Chinese versions of this book, the version by Zhang Zhenyu, the only one available on the market, is most popular among the Chinese readers. That is the major reason why the author takes it as the research object. Under the framework the Skopos theory and in accordance with the categorization of folklore made by China's most famous folklorist, Zhong Jingwen, the thesis, while taking the profound Chinese folklore into full consideration, will use sufficient examples to prove that the Skopos theory is applicable to the translation of the folklore in the English novel. In order to make the thesis more constructive, the author will also take note on the problems in the translation and come up with her own versions for future references.Through the analysis of the folklore translation of this novel, the author intends to explore ways of translating folklore so as to facilitate future cross-cultural communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:folklore translation, Moment in Peking, Skopos theory
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