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On Christian Peace Movement In America (1940s-1980s)

Posted on:2010-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275969091Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
War and peace is an ancient proposition, also such as a pair of brothers up to each other. Human history has been permeated with flame of war and smoke of gunpowder. But the Christians never give up seeking peace. Although the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki put an end to the Second World War, it brought intense psychological impact and more terrible fears. The arms race and the Vietnam War enhanced the misfortunes of human being who was already unfortunate. In such a changeable era, Christianity made adjustment on thought and organization, which was embodied obviously in USA. Numerous Christian peace groups and dedicated Christians in peace movement practiced their theology and moral ideal for the benefit of all creations of God.The paper consists of four parts to discuss the Christian peace movement after World War II in United States. The first chapter elaborates on the basic conditions of Christian peace movement, including the Christian importance to American society and politics, and its theoretical foundation. Because Christian cultural tradition and the political environment are closely related to the post-war peace movement. The second chapter discusses the transformation of Christianity and the attitude to peace affairs. The outbreak of the Second World War and the arrival of the nuclear era shocked all mankind including Christian. In the impact, Christianity can't keep lockstep tending to modernization and secularization. The church was no longer indifferent to secular matters, but actively participated in social movement. Chapter Three mainly tell how they did. This chapter reduces the weight of argument, but emphasises on the examples in the process of taking part in peace movement of Christian. We can know how inflexible and dedicatory they were from the examples. The final part is to make a summary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Christianity, peace, America
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