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The Evolution And Reflection Of Dialogical Psychotherapy

Posted on:2010-12-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275968809Subject:Basic Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on Martin Buber' s ontology of relationship and Hasidism,which shared the background of Hebrew culture, established by Maurice Stanley Friedman,who was well-respected for "the ten elements for dialogue psychotherapy",dialogical psychotherapy was enhanced and developed through criticizing a variety of psychological theories,i.e.Feuerbach' s philology, and partitions.Emphasizing "I-Thou" relationship,it aims at gaining the common features and the correlation,dialogue and harmony of the touchstone between individuals,individual and group,individual and society.With the endeavor of Kron.T, dialogical psychotherapy has been accepted by many western psychotherapists as one of the output combing theory and practices among the psychology consultation and therapy.Emphasizing "I-Thou" relationshipby "recognition","inclusion ","mutual affinity "," confirmation "," intimate " etc dialogical communication.It aims at gaining the common features and the correlation,Many psychotherapists such as Carl Ransom Roger,Friedrich Salomon Perlss and Viktor Frankl absorbed in the dialogue therapy and admitted its very meaning.Several modern therapies including contextual therapy,family therapy and couples therapy are good examples that were influenced by the thoughts of focusing on dialogue between individuals.Dialogical psychotherapy integrates the inter-subjective philosophy;it also reveals the underlying attribute of "social man" after "primitive people",which is of great importance to psychology consultation and the course building of psychology. However,influenced by the romantic' s salvation complex and fideism,dialogical psychotherapy fully favored "I-thou" over "I-it" relationship rather than the integration of them,hence the whole image of man hasn't been constructed.Here the author views that only under the integrating vision can the whole image of man can be completed,can the bright future of psychology be displayed.
Keywords/Search Tags:inter-subjective philosophy, dialogical psychotherapy, Martin Buber, Maurice Friedman, Tamar Kron
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