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Lawmaking System The Of Rural Panic In The Republican Period

Posted on:2010-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L T SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275960362Subject:Legal history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agriculture is the foundation of nation-building and prosperity of its citizens since ancient times. The rise and fall of every dynasties depends on it, which is the exact point we get in the history books of the ancients and the moderns. The construction of the country, the development of the agriculture and the prosperity of the farmers are the reflections of the people's livelihood which is the concerning issue of all strata of society. In short, the author summarizes these elements into three words: land, property and manpower. While the land is the foundation, the property is the guarantee, and the manpower is the source of the intellectual to the development of the country. If the leaders of a country can solve problems in regard to the three elements, then the country will reach its heyday, or else. Nowadays, the world changes, but the three is still the priority to reach the affluent society.Cut in from the crisis, this paper is based on four pairs of categories, and centered on three issues; the crisis means the worldly economic crisis from 1929 to 1933, the four pairs of categories refer to "nature vs. manpower", "country vs. society", "convention vs. modern" and "China vs. western", and the three issues are land, property and manpower which means the issues concerning land, rural finance and organizational survival of the rural society at that time. These four pairs of categories are the intrinsic factors, and the crisis is the external one. The blending of the two caused the issues concerning land, property and manpower ultimately, in view of which, the Republic of China carried out legislative activities towards the three issues, which is called legislative system of "triunity" in this paper.In the first part of this paper, the author gives the causes of the rural panic within and without. The economic crisis is the external factor, and the social contradictions constitute the internal ones, such as land annexation, warfare, famine, and the Japanese aggression. However, these contradictions had been existed since the Qing Dynasty; they became more acute in the Republic period, especially from 1927 to 1937. With the push of the economic crisis of 1929-1933, the Great Fear finally appeared in the rural society of the Republic of China. Whereas this Great Fear is actually "vacant" fear, registering as the land encroached, the property dispersed, and the manpower cut down.The third part is the mainbody and heart of the paper, presenting the legislative activities of the National Government in detail. And from these activities, the author tells the readers that the Government grasped the crucial point of the social problems, and made numerous legislations in the ten years from 1927 to 1937, which were with clear orientations, extensive fields, varied forms, rich contents, and adequate scheme. This paperBased on inhibiting land annexation, renewed by optimization of management, and aimed at realizing "Land-to-the-Tiller Act", the keystone, tenet and content of the land legislation, all without exception, embody the "equalization of landownership" and the "Land-to-the-Tiller Act" of Sun Yat-sen's thought, and the methods of "checking and ratifying land-value", "ratepaying according to the land-value ", "purchasing conforming to the land-value", and "the part of markup belongs to the country". With its background of "returning the trading capital to support the agriculture", and aiming at settling "financial dry-up", the rural financial legislation evolves the coexisting of the ordinary and slip laws, and the codependenting of bank-controlling and reorganization of Agriculture Bank, and finally forms the rural financial system centering on the Farmers Bank and Credit Union. The cooperative and disaster-preventing-and-rescuing legislation, the tenet of which is to keep abreast of public feelings, concentrate the public intellectual, gather the public property, and avoid the manpower-wasting, carries on the legislation of cooperative and remedy. And the legislation of remedy can be classified into four aspects: legislation of remedy subject, of methods, of fund, and of management.As the issues of land, property and manpower interweaving, these legislations coexist and mix up. We can not treat them as the same.Although these legislations are comprehensive, in details and scientific, they are less of pragmaticality. The methods of reform can not turn the destiny of China, and the way of evolution is easily be lashed by the outside force. The War of Resistance against Japan diverted the contradictions to the Japanese. During this period, the new communism came up, a new force grew up, and a new era turned up, aiming to make a change of the whole Chinese fate.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Republican Period, Economic Crisis, The Rural Panic, Lawmaking System
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