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The Development And Evolution Of China's New Opera

Posted on:2010-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275956453Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's new opera is a genre of Western forms of opera and Chinese folk music forms, combining the aesthetic habits of a new form of drama. The birth of a new opera with the special political context of the liberated areas to undertake, is a product of political movements. At the same time with two to three decades on behalf of the twentieth century, dramatists from different methods and performance levels to explore and expand the liberated areas of the arts to the people of Hong vigorous campaign of Yangko inseparable. Lu Xun's literary and artistic classes of teachers and students of the collective creation opera "White-Haired Girl" for the development of China's new opera lay buried the first one of the cornerstones of this new opera to enter the formation, development phase.For the development of China's new opera, as well as to explore the rheological thesis focused on the opera as a new style to explore the history of the evolution of style, less involved with music, performances and other forms of rheological characteristics. Examination papers from the new opera as prose, poetry and other traditional forms of special literary style, to restore its political context. Implication from the political and civil society combined with the new opera works solely on behalf of "class consciousness" of the Red Classics of literature, art and political perspective of the gradual deepening of intervention.Papers from the introduction, body and conclusion of three parts.The introduction of the new opera major study indicates that China and the significance of the status quo.Papers detail the main part of China's new development and rheological opera. Carding the first part is mainly to explore China's new opera, producing and development. The new opera is a co-ordination of publicity in the liberated areas, mobilize the masses to political needs, the integration of Li Jinhui, Tian Han and others to explore new artistic experience of opera and drama Yangko basis of the accumulation of the art.The second part of the main text to explore new types of opera rheological and style. With civil society by the political implication of the new opera combined with the revolutionary work of literature to the nature of the changes in the new opera works, highlight the ruling party, the adjustment of the field of ideology, and reveal a new political ideology is no longer co-exist with non-governmental, but Program for the highest class struggle.Rheology in the style, the new opera, "White-Haired Girl" and the adaptation of the novel adapted for the new opera "jiang jie" process, step-by-step perspective purified class consciousness. Purification of class consciousness that is the ruling party of the establishment of proletarian literature of the inherent requirement of the style.Conclusion of research and development of new opera based on the flow and look forward to new prospects for the future development of opera.
Keywords/Search Tags:China's new opera, the text of the type of rheology, style Rheologic
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