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A Brief History Of Chongqing Television Documentary

Posted on:2010-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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Television Documentary of Chongqing has been to grow accompanied by the development of Chongqing television,in its 28 years of development history,not only by the overall development of China's television documentary,the impact of climate,and throughout the development of television documentary,unity and synchronization,but also at the same time because the local regional characteristics of Chongqing,which has a self-style with the contents of a cell.However,the characteristics of this regional in recent years in pace with globalization,by the social environment,cultural and aesthetic impact of the general public,become increasingly blurred.In this development process,in fact, there are some interesting and valuable study,Chongqing TV documentary record of the development process,not only for this period of history as a respected,but also for future television documentary Chongqing more the development and prosperity of some experience,it is regrettable,however,has been open since none of the older generation had to Chongqing television documentary history of the development of the system to sort out. So as I was by the younger generation have lost the love of the television documentary, television documentary to raise objections to the development of Chongqing to make a brief history of the comb,hoping to Chongqing television documentary for the future even more profound contribution to the history of the study a little.As a result of this part of research and writing does not have sufficient information available,this paper relates to the content of television documentary.Chongqing come from the Department of Chongqing,a senior television documentary and documentary predecessors oral workers,at the same time I also watch a lot of video information.This article is divided into three sections,respectively,recorded in 1980-1989,1990 -2002 and 2003-2008 years,Chongqing's development track television documentary.1980-1989,is Chongqing's pioneering television documentary and explore the period of the first half of this period,Chongqing,and there is no documentary television documentary idea,but on the one hand,television documentaries and news with mixed interpolation,on the one hand with the national television with footprint and the development of a documentary before.By 1985,the Chongqing TV station to complete the creation of a truly pioneering television documentary Chongqing section of the "knowledge corridor",which is a popular science knowledge as a main content section of the form for feature film production program.Chongqing is also a television documentary in which the columns grew up quickly.During this period to the second half of the run section-"social observatory" has the eyes of cohesion with the people in the community life,as a collection of magazine News as one of the documentary section."Documentary" has become a television documentary to explore Chongqing main objectives of the host.In 1990-2002 period is the development of television documentary Chongqing period,run by China Central Television's impact on the people section,Chongqing directly under the influence and impact on aboriginal culture in the creative content of the documentary focused on the lives of people in the creative began to return to the documentary approach of the body,the choice of subject matter in creating more of the culture of the mountains.Although from time to time during the period of the television documentary works fine,but in general,or individual style of work,does not have widespread social significance,this time in 2003 have improved.Years 2003-2008 is the development of Chongqing TV documentary boom,the article also describes the focus on Mexico to Chongqing during the development of television documentary golden age.Chongqing TV documentary in 2003 began to return to society when,in the beginning of the content creation and social development with more closely together and began to follow the creative path of market-oriented.For example,the imprint is clear,"Bayu people," the most representative section of the short documentary from the beginning of each program in 2003 and linked to the ratings,the real and the market combined with the documentary from the personal preferences of the documentary waved farewell.During this period not only at home and abroad have had a large number of award-winning television documentary,and their own local television documentary program,such as "record in Chongqing" and more mature.In this chapter,from "Bayu people" years can be seen in the development of Chongqing in the short documentary television documentary of the creative ideas and concepts to change the footprint left on;from the "mystery of our ancient ancestors," the analysis Chongqing television documentary can be seen by the development of present-day high-level stage;from director Zhang Lu's life Chongqing imprint can be seen on a documentary television documentary universal understanding and embodiment of social responsibility,as well as some excellent documentary production.
Keywords/Search Tags:Television Documentary of Chongqing, Pioneer and Exploration, Development, Prosperity
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