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A Look Into Wang Gen's Thoughts Of Respcting Human Body: An Ethical Perspective

Posted on:2010-06-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T WangFull Text:PDF
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In history of thought of modern China, Taizhou School is an important part. Wang Gen as the founder of Taizhou School, whose theory "honoring of the body" is the most eye-catching part of his entire academic system. However, the current research is concerned, Wang Gen's theory "honoring of the body" hasn't been studied in depth. They didn't put the theory in the context of the history of Chinese philosophy, the history of the development of Confucianism to study and discuss, most of the study is a one-way comment on Wang Gen's theory "honoring of the body" ,they ignored the traditional thinking and the intrinsic link between Confucianism and his theory "honoring of the body" . Thus, they can not take a firm hold of its theoretical ideas.This article from the times of Wang Gen's political, economic, cultural backgrounds, analysing the causes of Wang Gen's thought "honoring of the body" .Compared his thought with the traditional Chinese Confucian and Taoist concept of the body, analyzing to clarify the similarities and differences of Wang Gen's theory "honoring of the body" with the traditional Confucian and Taoism .And its theory redefined the relationship between individual and society, in which the connotation of respect a person's emotional life, and affirmation of the intrinsic value. His theory subvert Neo-Confucianism to subvert the old traditional cheng and zhu Confucianism, it has opened up a new path to the thinking of the development of Chinese society .Wang Gen's theory "honoring of the body" fully expressed his spiritual pursuit, values and ideals, life experience, we should learn from Wang Gen's theory "honoring of the body " for solving the problem now settle down for a certain reference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Gen, honoring of the body, individual, society, Theory of investigating things, life-based theory
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