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A Study Of Zheng Zhenduo's Literary Translation

Posted on:2009-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y DuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360272990681Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After the 1970s there appeared an important turn in translation research. The subject of translation research is enlarged and the scope of translation is broadened. With the development of descriptive translation sciences and the popularization of cultural studies, the active role of the translator during the translation process slowly became striking. In order to discuss in detail and in depth translation theories, translation works, the relations between translation and the culture of the target language, it is necessary to carry out research on translators. It is logical to say that the cultural turn in translation research "discovered" translator and the active role of translator became the new research subject in translation research. In the recent 20 years, encouraging results have been achieved, while the subject is still to be further explored and developed. Translation research should not be limited to the research of theories, language and culture. The research of translators can combine the various aspects of translation research so as to avoid the translation research model of "research is for research's purpose only". Zheng Zhenduo is one of the greatest translators of Fujian province in China. His translation lead the new culture movement and his translation works were of various types and original topics, which made great contribution to China and the world.Zheng Zhenduo's translation started from and grew up with the May 4th Movement and had achieved great success. He was the famous translator who recommended new culture in Chinese modem literature history. This thesis is a detailed study on Zheng Zhenduo's literary translation from the perspectives of his translation theories, translation practices, translation features and translation achievements and influence.This thesis is composed of five parts. The first part introduces current translation research situation in China and explains the feasibility of choosing Zheng Zhenduo's literary translation as the research subject. The second part is the translation theories of Zheng Zhenduo. The theories include his commentary on Russian realism literature, the three problems in the translation of literary books, the purpose and function of literary translation, the unification of literary terms and the "Europeanization" of language. The third part is the literary translation practices of Zheng Zhenduo. Zheng Zhenduo translated literary works of different countries and different subjects and for different journals, newspapers and societies. The fourth part narrates the features of Zheng Zhenduo's literary translation. Zheng Zhenduo's translated literary works include various genres and are filled with pioneering meaning. His translation style can be reflected clearly from his translation of The Stray Birds and The Crescent Moon. There is the use of rhetoric in his translation. The fifth part is the conclusion part which summarizes the achievements and influence of Zheng Zhenduo's literary translation. Zheng Zhenduo is one of the greatest translators in Chinese modern new literature history.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zheng Zhenduo, literary translation, translation innovation
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