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An Initial Discussion On The Main Type Of Qing Dynasty Song Literature

Posted on:2009-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Song literature is the important component of Chinese music literature. By means of classification, induction, comparison, statistics, analysis and so on, this article conducts a special study of types of literature and record of the Qing Dynasty song literature, summarizing and analyzing the main types of the Qing Dynasty song literature. According to the types of literature, the Qing Dynasty song literature could be divided into two types. The first one is the special song literature of new tunes song collection, poetry songbook, the qin song special collection, stringed musical instruments adjust the songbook, ceremony songbook, hymn anthology, school songbook, and army songbook; and the second type is the song literature seldom found in Leishu, musical books, music score, religious books, and the transcript. Then the paper emphatically induces and analyzes the subtypes and characteristics of these two kinds of song literature. From the record, it may be divided into the song literature in printing form and transcript form with the respective features. After fully demonstrating the basic appearance and characteristics of the Qing Dynasty song literature, the paper further reveals the artistic and academic value of the Qing Dynasty song literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:songs, types, literature, special collection, value
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