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The Struggle And Activities Of The Korea Yilie Group

Posted on:2009-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360248956748Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the latter half of the 19th century, the Western capitalism free competition in the progressive development to the highest stage. However, the long-feudal society in North Korea, social stagnation, closed-door policy, weakening its power, it is to become the invasion target of Europe and the United States especially Japan who is the close neighbor of Korean.In 1905, Japan forced Korea to sign " Treaty of Yisi ", forced Korea to be "protectorate. " In 1910, under the Japan's force threat, Korea was forced to sign " Treaty of Mergence Between Japan and Korea", take possession of Korean as a colony completely. The misdeeds caused the anger and hate of the Korean people.Korean people revolted against without favor, during much Yibing Struggle. On march, 1919, the struggle for the war of anti-Japan independence was in forming between korean and abroad, organized the assembly of anti-Japan, make many anti-Japan group, to start the anti-Japan movment. But by Japan's brutally suppressed, many revolutionist went abroad to continue anti-Japan self-movement. Especially, the head of Jin Yuanfeng and some young people set up a group—Korean yilie group.Korea Yilie Group was founded in 1919 in Jilin, and situate its headquarters in the sourth Great Wall of China, activeted in Koera,China and Japan. In 1935, after the nation revolution party was founded, its declare to dissolve by itself. As the train spacing point of take the headquarters from Guangzhou to Beijing, it mainly includes three periods. Arranged in order of time can divide into the early period (1919-1925) , the middle period (1926-1929) , the late period (1930-1935) . The paper mainly studies four points that: the background of constitute the Yilie group; its idea and thinking; its activities; the signification in the Anti-Japanese Self-movement.The first chapter, is exordium. It describes the purpose and the meaning to choose "Yilie Group" as the title of paper, and introduces developments and information of research.The second chapter, under the aggression of Japanese imperialism, Korean people have to resides abroad especially establishded the base of Independent Movement in Northeast China. Against this background, Yilie group was founded in Jilin province of China, on the other side, its tell us the orgnization character at the beginning of it founded.The third chapter, the diffrences and the changes of Yilie Group during the three periodes. At the beginning it comes out theanarchism of free society idea. Whereas, it constitute independent country of the people democratism and socialism political structure in the middle period.The forth chapter, in the main activity area. The early period Yilie Group take as the little group make bomb release, shoot, assassination and so on. The middle period it to take part in China National Revolution. The last period, after the China National Revolution was failed, with the help of nationalist party its founded the Korea revolution military politic cadres school, and train the youth people to be the military politic leader.The fifth chapter, the main point is to tell us the dissolve of Yilie Group, the founded of the Nationality Revolution Party, furthermore, the meaning in Korea Anti-Japan Self-movement by Yilie Group.The sixth chapter, the conclusion sum up the activities of each periods of Korean Yilie group, and point out the characters of these activities in different periods. It is sure of that the Yilie Group has played a very important role in Korea Anti-Japan Self-movement and China-Korea united to form alliance to against Japan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Korea Yilie Group, Anti-Japan Self-movement, logos change, Nationalism, Socialism
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