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Chamen Religion Doctrine Research

Posted on:2009-07-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R B YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360248956367Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wenxiang Religion,later known as Chamen Religion,set up in the Year of Wanli, the Ming Dynasty, when the folk religious movement was very prosperous. At that time, this religion was indeed spreading throughout the feudal society and had a certain positive impact on politic, economy, and culture of that time.The missionary scope of the Chamen Religion was all over the country. It was the product of absorbing and merging all the religious elements. So its doctrine was numerous and complicated, mainly reflects their strong religious color and strong desire to participate in politics affairs.Householdwang,as the core of ChamenReligion's creating and missionary, is the thread through the development of ChamenReligion, while it is the core of crime group in ChamenReligion. Householdwang led the ChamenReligion to the final perdition for infringing imperial power badly.
Keywords/Search Tags:WenxiangReligion, ChamenReligion, householdwang, missionary, Chamen Religion doctrine
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