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The Theory And The Practice Of Taoism Poetic Life

Posted on:2009-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245995255Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The author discovers Lao Zhuang's Taoist profound wisdom about the concern of life from the fundamental principles of self-so. It is namely basic survival principle "The Ways of Men Are Conditioned by the Self-so". The author constructs completely the poetic life theoretical system and value system, from the theory of abundant psychology to the practice instruction of simplicity and ultimate concern of spiritual free.There is no fixed pattern in the poetic life and the self-so is its standard of evaluation. As everyone and every time is different. The author thinks that the poetic life may exist in perceptual, rational, institution and dream. The poetic life is not only the life high state but also the survival technology and art that human walk freely between the expansion of personality and the social acceptable limits. It is a skill of superb life that human can expand the value of life and show beautiful life.In the structure of this article, the author displays the rich connotation and values of poetic life by means of theory explanation and practice demonstration. Taoism poetic life bases on the concern of life and the concern of society. The life attitude of "Man Imitates Nature" and the life pursue of "Do Nothing Wrong" and Expansion of the life value constitutes Lao Zhuang's principle of the poetic life. Zhuang Zi further built the poetic life for the feasible method until Tao Yuanming who represented distinguished people in Wei Jin dynasty lived in seclusion calmly, poet Li Bai regarded withdrawing from society and in solitude as a medium he took part in the politics, and Su Shi came into the world self-confidently. These representatives showed various forms of the poetic life by means of being an official or being a hermit, and being a go-between. The poetic life Health, wisdom, calm and the practitioners' simplicity in the individuality and their value of life are displayed perfectly. We can understand really the concrete Taoism poetic life from "Form of Theory" to "Practice of Life". The author finds six sources of the poetic life, namely the poetic life come from nature, soul, cherish, formal not seeking fame and wealth, innovation, wishful thinking. Thus, the author indicates the beneficial enlightenments to modern people.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taoism, The Poetic Life, Tao Yuanming, Li Bai, Su Shi
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