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Game Culture And Works Of The After-80 Generation

Posted on:2009-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245962234Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From 2000, after-80 Generation began to come on stage one after another.In recent years,these writers and their works became a bustle and excitement scene of literary area in the early 21th century.Because of their similar born time and write style,we are used to regard them as a group.Some people praise them,as well as some look upon them.However,this group has became a indelible star of China's mordern literature history.This trend must have an important significanse.Therefore,in the multicutual circumstances,it is necessary to make a research of this literary group who own the period features.The works of these writers represent a trend of digestion depth model of the plane, as well as entertainment and virtualization,while the appearance of this phenomenon has its own distinctive background.The rapid development of the science teconology and the economic increase the material weath.People are no longer worried about dressing and eating,and they have more and more spare time.So the idle ider comes out.These works emerge as the time's require.From these works,we can see the exist of the game culture.It had had some research analyses and definition about the group of after-80 Generation but it didn't start with the angle of game culture.So this article will start with the developmnt of the game culture and the effect of modern society.This article have four section except the preface and ending:The First Section:To arrange the similar part of the literature and game:amusement,virtualization and freedom.The Second Section:To introduce the present sisuation of the modern games, and then introduce the effect of after-80 Generation's life and works between the modern game culture and anti-game culture.The Third Section: From the theme of the game;Character's game;Narrative ways analysis of after-80 Generation's creation of the game.The Forth Section:To ponder the game from the sigificances of the game and the questions of the game.
Keywords/Search Tags:after-80 Generation, literature, game culture
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