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The Theory On The Relation Between Man And Nature Of Ferbaha

Posted on:2008-12-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245466817Subject:Foreign philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based upon a close reading of Ferbaha' s classical texts, this article aims to explore the useful elements from Ferbaha' s philosophical ideas beneficial to the construction of ecological ethics so as to build the theoretical basis for the improvement of the deteriorating natural environment.This paper consists of five chapters.In the first chapter, current researches on Ferbaho are roughly recalled and summarized,esp.the achievements made in the research from the perspective of ecological ethics.It also includes the introduction of the framework of my own paper.The second chapter elaborates the relation between man and nature as well their role in the system of philosophy,which has been always discussed in philosophy from Renaissance Movement through Enlightenment Movement,Mechanical Materialism till Conte' s philosophy.Ferbaha' s research is the continuation of this discussion.Finally,a conclusion is drawn that the theory on the relation between man and nature serves not only as a foundation and cornerstone but also a methodology in his philosophical system.The third chapter is the main body of the article focusing on the relation between man and nature.The first section illustrates the differences between man and nature by distinguishing man and nature as two different kinds of entity, as well as man and animals in ideology.The second section argues for the unity between man and nature,which is divided further into two parts.The first part argues that man and nature are an inseparable whole,that is,man is part of nature and comes from nature physically.Moreover,man is consisitent with nature in terms of causal theory.In addition,the flesh and spirit are both originated from nautre.The second section argues that nature and man are unified in terms of aim and value with the later functioning as the purpose of the former.The third section mentions that Ferbaha holds that the bridge linking man and nature is intuition and man's practical activities.The fourth chapter elaobrates the modern significance of his theory on the relation between man and nature.His ideology can be regarded as an important theoretical resource for the construction of modern ecological ethics.This theory happens to conform to the central idea of ecological ethics,that is, nonhuman-centeredness.Ferbaho holds that only by taking the stand of theory and aesthetics,and through theoretical or aesthetical intuition can man stay in harmony with nature.He also believes that animals should be respected for they have life,emotions and ideas.To maintain the ecological balance is to seek welfare for the mankind because nature exists for the sake of human beings by providing material and spiritual ingredients to the growth of mankind.Thus,man protects the natural ecological system in order to better create a more favorable living condition for their own existance.The last chapter is the concluding part which makes a brief summary of what is discussed in this article and further expounds the signicance and limitations of his theory on the relation of man and nature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Difference, Unity, Bridge, Modern Signicance
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