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To The Early Han Dynasty Officials On Economic Crimes

Posted on:2009-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245462385Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper predecessors on the basis of research results to the early Han Dynasty officials for the crime of economic study.Use of historical documents and handed down Bamboo Slips information unearthed combination of the "evidence" of the early Han Dynasty officials types of economic crimes, the punitive measures, officials from economic crime and the reasons for the early Han Dynasty rulers to prevent bureaucratic measures to economic crime on the analysis to the early Han Dynasty officials through the analysis of economic crimes, making our society as a whole bureaucracy of the early Han Dynasty economic crime have a relatively clear understanding of the system.Economic crime is accompanied by a system of private ownership and the creation of a class, which exists in the course of economic operation.Let's rulers since the early Han Dynasty, and local governments are relatively clean, compared politics. However, since then the political, economic, ideological, cultural, social, and many other factors, even the rulers of local governments attach great importance to the building, there are still a lot of the early Han Dynasty officials and economic crime, a serious problem of the early Han Dynasty regime.The early Han Dynasty officials diverse types of economic crime, punishing criminals Head of the Legal Division, it is also very complicated, bureaucratic frame committed crimes in accordance with law to punish theft, which embodies the general principles of the officials is strictly economic crimes be punished severely.For a large number of officials of economic crimes, judicial legislation from the early Han Dynasty rulers, ideological, moral, social, and other policies to enhance prevention, in order to reduce bureaucratic economic crime, and guaranteed political Qingming. These measures have achieved some success, but there are also many problems.Through the early Han Dynasty economic crime officials on a range of issues, we can show the political although relatively early Han Dynasty Tomb Sweeping Festival, but the phenomenon of economic crime officials are still many, the early Han Dynasty rulers of the officials against serious economic crime phenomenon and has formulated strict officials law, and severely punish officials and economic crime. Bamboo Slips unearthed from the preservation of information and documents handed down, the early Han Dynasty rulers in order to curb economic crime officials have made a lot of efforts, to a certain extent, the Independent Commission Against guide social, economic officials on the state of crime played a mitigation active role. However, because of imperial power politics and many other reasons for the existence of not making a lot of good legislation the implementation of laws. Which law enforcement officials with the existence of fraud, resulting in lax enforcement. Again, the supremacy of imperial power, the rule of law over the rule of man, resulting in impunity, some officials because the law favors the highest rulers escape the sanction of the law, and so on. These have made the early Han Dynasty inevitable there will be a large number of officials economic crime.
Keywords/Search Tags:The early Han Dynasty, Officials, Economic crime, Punishment
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