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Wen Xiang In The Xianfeng,Tongzhi Government (1860-1874)

Posted on:2009-10-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245454261Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wen Xiang, one of the most palmary and powerful statesmen in the late Qing Dynasty, was introduced and studied in this paper.During the approximate twenty-year political and social life of Wen Xiang, which is also one of the most concernful transitional era in China history, ancient China began to step into the primary phase of its modern history. Yet, during this period, multitudinous politicians of Qing Dynasty were pragmatically staffed, including progressives and conservatives, or, reformers and forgeys. Howsoever, as one of the most famouse statesman who inevitablely present their influences onto China in the above-mentioned period, Wenxiang, the highest degree (jinshi) holder in the Imperial Examinations in Daoguang, had experienced four Emperor's reign periods: Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, and Guangxu. Seldom of the Qing Dynasty officials had been charge in all the six Boards ( Li, Hu, Li, Bing, Xing, Gong), but Wen Xiang. Especially in Tongzhi Emperor's reign period, Wenxiang held a number of prominent positions in the central government and became a key player in court politics. Many domestic and diplomatic Chinese historical developments and changes were related to his great competence and high moral standard. Wen Xiang has subsequently considered as one of the most versatile politacians in the late Qing Dynasty .In this paper, nearly all the historical events and affairs related to Wenxiang were discussed and presented in the following five sections, wherein the significant functions and meanings of Wenxiang's words and behaviors in these events were also discussed and studied.First, in the Second Opium War, Wenxiang wised Emperor Xianfeng to stay in Beijing, and sucsequently lead a conversion of the political position and group. An analysis of his attitudes towards the western incursionary powers was presented. Second, in Xinyou Coup, Wenxiang directed Empress Dowager Cixi and Ciren to hold court from behind a screen and began to release the rights to the Ministers. The meanings of this situation and arrangement was discussed. Then, based on Wenxiang's great achievements on the repression of insurgence and the territories reoccupation in Tongzhi Emperor's reign period, the opinions of his judicious judgment on Xinjing issues were evaluated. After that, by the research of his diplomatic achievements, the discussion in this section was mainly focused onto the great influences of Chinese modernlisation process by Wenxiang's open and innovative attitudes on the cooperative policy towards the Western powers. Finally, In the interest of presenting an objective and impersonal evaluation of historical persons, and make the research more comprehensive and purposeful, a conclusion of Wenxiang's ideas and humanness was presented.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wen Xiang, Foreign policy, Inner policy
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