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New Democratic Party During The Revolutionary Period, I Ideological And Political Work On The Enemy

Posted on:2009-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G Y MaFull Text:PDF
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a flexible and diverse ideological and political education is the fine tradition of our party, but also the success of an important component of the Chinese revolution. And in the long-term struggle against the practice has accumulated a wealth of experience in the new democratic revolution period, carried out a large number of the party's ideological and political education, and made corresponding achievement.The new democratic revolution period of the enemy of our party and ideological and political work, including the Agrarian Revolution, Japanese occupation period, and the Liberation War period, the period of three different elements of the ideological and political work. Various periods have the same places, there are also many of their own characteristics. From the very beginning of the effort to focus on the enemy's ideological and political work, from beginning to end preferential treatment is implemented by the collapse of the enemy and captured a series of a variety of flexible and diverse policy. To strive for a fundamental enemy of our military services have provided favorable conditions. The new democratic revolution period of the enemy of our party and ideological and political work for the achievements made by the success of the Chinese revolution has made important contributions to this is my party and the success of valuable experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:the new democratic revolution period, the enemy's ideological and political work
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