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The Study Of Pan Lang

Posted on:2009-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242982450Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pan Lang is an significant writer in Song Dynasty, but the study on his works is limited to small scale. Pan Lang is both expert in poem and lyric, receiving high reputations in his time. In the early age, he was eager to be government official, and this idea was bear in mind constantly. During his political life, Pan Lang was involved in faction twice, and then lived as hermit at Qiantang. Though he has a dual identity, researchers consider him as hermit mostly due to hermit complex and cogitation. This thesis is divided into four chapters to illustrating his poem and lyric, then discussing his life, contacting, thoughts and the lyric ideology.Chapter 1 introduces Pan Lang's personality, friendship and hermit feature. This part takes use of materials and research achievements to narrate his personality impartially and roundly. All these contents will be showed in two sections: Pan Lang's personality and hermit characteristic.Chapter two take focus on Pan Lang's poetry. Four groups of poems are composed this theme: expressing emotion, describing landscape, antiphony and recalling past memory. By analyzing profound details, the great change in his mental and attitude are clearly displayed to us, indicating the thoughts and feeling that the poet experienced in that society.Chapter 3 talks about the achievements that poet reached in writing poems. Pan Lang imitated Jia Dao and Yao He in poem writing trend, inheriting their writing style. Besides, Pan Lang rejected their specific creating method. He wrote in a natural way, using more pellucid words. In addition, some of his poems performed another tend: returning back to Wudai period.Chapter IV pays more attention to Pan Lang's lyric and lyric theory. He has broken the delicate lyric which was popular in Late Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasty. He gave new function to the lyric: depicting the pretty landscape mixing with his intellectual emotion. He proposed new lyric commentary. In his view, lyric owned different function to poem, and lyric could be used in many occasions. His view rosed the status of lyric, endowed lyric more elegant and profound sense.
Keywords/Search Tags:Study
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