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Studies Word-Sound Velocity

Posted on:2009-04-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242982369Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sound word is the mainstay of the entire Chinese characters on Chinese characters, as should be the main target. This article is from the numerous schools of thought, scholars of the word sound shape many aspects of the study, carried out a more comprehensive review.In this paper, including a total of six parts: Chapter 1-word sound process for selecting the second chapter-shaped sound of the word sound intended function table next to the third chapter of the sound shape of the characters in modern Chinese characters of the mark; Chapter IV-shaped side Sheng shaped table intended function; fifth Cap-shaped table next to sound the words sound audio function; Chapter VI conclusions.On the shape of the characters have a sound process, the paper mainly from two aspects to describe: First, a word-sound development reasons. - Word sound development of the reasons can generally be summarized as three points: 1, the development of productive forces, requested language with suitable 2, because there are many other defined by lack of objective requirements of a new law have defined To adapt to the development of such a requirement for 3, sound-word itself has advantages. Two points in front of them refers to the sound-word form of external reasons, what is behind the internal factors. It is this due to the interaction between inside and outside, only to shape the sound of Chinese characters into the mainstream. The second is the word-sound channels: from the name of sound shape, "said Voice of the words as intended," said, "and next" two-step development, "said the sound of some form of independence Xiang Xingzi division" said. This article, Qiuxi-kyu, more scientific point of view. Qiuxi-kyu, that "most of the sound-word from the ideographic characters have the shape and sound out the word division, or the ideographic characters from the transformation."Phonogram is the main body of it .As we know ,phonogram consist of formation part and pronunciation part ,Gererally speaking ,the formation part express its meaning while the later part show its pronunciation .Actually, the pronunciation part of the phonogram does not only express its pronunciation but show the meaning .The scholar had observed the meaning .The scholar had observed the phenomeno of pronunciation part's expressing from XuShen's ShuoWenJieZi to WangShengmei's YouWenShuo .from WangGuanguo's ZiMuShuo to DaiTong's LiuWenTuiLei from HuangChengji's YiJieQiYuSheng to LiuShipei's BenYuYan ZhiWenZi..They are having study from different light. All kinds of theories have its advantage and disadvantage so the paper tend to XieCiShuo.During the process of character's development, the prouncation part and formation fart have gradually separated form the Whole character and become a sign. Then we have the signal words and semi-signal words. Mr.TangLan mention something about this change in 194050.Mr.QiuXigui define the concept of signal character in 1980s.With the development of the study of the character, morden scholars have a deeper study about the charater signs, including QianNairong,SuPeicheng and so on .They have the common knowledge of character which is partly form by signs. What''s more ,they start putting the Quantitative Study into the field of signal words and semi-signal words .As the main body of phonogram, its changing to the sign become more and more obvious. As this text concerned , the signal phonogram can be divided into semi-prouncation words and semi-meaning words and synthesis semi-prouncation is made up of sign and prouncation pant This kind of part can express its prouncation .While the meaning part gradually become a sing,because it can't express the meaning. The semi-meaning words is made up of the meaning part and the sign, and has the features of expressing meanings. Because it can't be prouncated correctly and become a sign.Semi-prouncation is made of sign and prouncation pant. This kind of part can express its prouncation. While the meaning part gradually become a sign, become it can't express the meaning part and the sign, and has the features of expressing meanings. Because it can't be prouncated correctly and become a sign.Those note significance of sympols lost their original function which transfered into signal and signal combination. The first two parts, we call them semisignal word, the later one, we call it signal word. Whether signal word or semi-signal word, they will become more and more in the future of development. It is as a result of characters' development and social progress.Voice-word is made up of formation and pronuciation. It has been already mentioned before. It is one of features that formation shows meanings. There are different ideas that formation has expressing meanings first. It stands for YaoXiao Sui, they think formation is a sign expressing pronuciation. They don't think formation can express meanings. The scholars who own this sort of idea think the main function of formation is signaling hinting in antient Chinese stage. It can't be shown effectively. Mr. Wang Li stands for another idea. They think formation expresses word's meanings and take bei for example to explain this idea. In this article, formation can express the meanings of word. However, the number of voice-words is small. Most formation of voice-words can express original meanings. It is mainly due to social development and continuous improvement of characters.From the sound-remembering principle,the pronounciation of voice-word is as same as its phonetic.A wording to various reasons, the pronounciation of sound-side, sonetines is different,so Mr.wangLi considers sound-sign,we can use the modern Chinese character's standard to calculate the sound-side thy thom many researcher have studied the funetion of sound-side, the of analysis method-and-statistics-methodaredifferent,some famous uesearehers areYechuqiang,zhouyouguang,Fankeyu,Xiboxian,Liyan,Kangjiashen and so on. They think that, the effective of samd-rhythm is low. And we should know that many wice-words have lost its sound role, and thus sound-side are still have the sound-remembering function, so that can be used into practical teaching and studying, we can get a satisfied result.All in all, the tigure of Chinese character exists the trend of voiced, characters on bones are divided into xiangxingzi and Huiyizi, voice-word only 20%,in Xushen'sshuowenjiezi, wice-word-80%, in modern characters, voice-word 90%. We can see the development of Chinese characters have a voiced process. The language of human beings can express a very rich content voice-word have its"half main sound, half principle"unique and its advantapes, its solves many disadvantapes of characters. The characters of voices, and also expresser that Chinese characters is a very modern and adaptable, old and useful language.
Keywords/Search Tags:Word-Sound
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