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The Reality Of The Profound Meaning In Reasoning

Posted on:2009-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242981907Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
SeichoMatsumoto is one of the founders of social reasoning novels, he absorbed and learned from the narrative style of detective fiction of Agatha Christie in a wide range . on the basis of the Japanese society after the Second World War as the backdrop, a legacy of realism and drafting practices, to create a series of excellent works reasoning.This paper is intended to social reality as the starting point and using impact study, the reasoning works from the structure model, ideological content, language, style proceed SeichoMatsumoto's analysis and comparison of the novel art ashake Christie and the absorption of the social reality conscious decision to expand (the length of the main reasoning of the novel), And in-depth analysis of his work is how to logical reasoning and Japan at the time the picture of the community closer together, at the same time, Fine outlined in the Japan national cultural psychological mystery and ambiguous character.First, ideological tendencies: promote the notion of social critique highlight humanity. At the same time, the sentiment is also acutely lower people's suffering, emotional sincere and sonorous, forceful, in-depth writing unique. ? Western Christie detective Queen permanent house multiple entries have been more conscious side to reflect social reality, and the timely insertion of the background description, which have a certain degree of social significance. Her detective World has been showing a high luxury and decadent Western society with the lives of all kinds of murder cases. SeichoMatsumoto's reasoning in the works there is a profound expression, it is not difficult to see that the latter widely absorbed the impact of Western detective novels. Their common characteristics are: reasoning under the cloak of exposing and holding high the banner of social criticism, logical analysis and the reality of contemporary society firmly together, especially SeichoMatsumoto's works reflect the reality of its content go far beyond the previous generation, had a strong social power and influence. Novel reasoning in a new profession made a strong pace. At the same time, SeichoMatsumoto's works also has greatly expanded the the extension of detective novels.Moreover, SeichoMatsumoto's novels reflected the vast social background; it also portrayed the conflict of bitter between people and society. Here, SeichoMatsumoto's novels beyond Agatha Christie Christie's fiction are that murder motive is based on the characteristics of greed, but on the criminal motives, excavation predecessors could not achieve the depth and breadth. Moreover, his novels is showing that the Japanese frustration, tears, frustration and sadness World emotional state. Author incident by the human condition, on the relationship between the community and an in-depth thinking, the external expression of the subjective bad Habitat social oppression suffered by the world at the heart of struggle, resistance, yield, the kind of defiance, as well as Japanese-style "ambiguous." SeichoMatsumoto is digging deep-seated human hearts areas, and to explore the lives of the entire Japanese nation demands, and boldly expose the ugly dark side of human nature, has a profound social significance. Second, his novels have an original style innovation and get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh.SeichoMatsumoto's reasoning in the works, the detective with a strong set of civilians color. SeichoMatsumoto's investigation is not the case, pay more attention to the field investigation, the investigators are real. SeichoMatsumoto is reasoning world, and stressed the importance and value of evidence, to investigate well-founded, the ground may exam, practical significance in the community on a deeper level expansion, and embodies the profound and irrefutable sophisticated the reality of contentAt the same time, the reasoning SeichoMatsumoto's novels to the reasoning of the case investigation for clues, the aspect intertwined figures and events through different colors, reflects the complex and Boza, all kinds of social world. First, the author described in the text often bewildering set of mystery, suspense placement skillfully refined. Second, SeichoMatsumoto's reasoning in the novel layout, good at the details listed in the complex and capture the most critical point or points as the breakthrough point, moved toward the truth of the matter. Meanwhile, his novels have network-rich content and broad social background, the text more complex, a bit closer to the real life of the deep. The permanent house Christie's detective novels, with the structure of the rules of strict and rigorous reasoning, in the history of detective fiction reputationSeichoMatsumoto made the structure and performance of the western classical detective story and the art practices enriched and integrated his own novels creativity, in the strict framework of logic, setting up suspense and create traps, but also of the Central interlocking plots, and take care of before and after. What is more valuable is that he is in the absorption and reference At the same time, and not be bound by the limitations and, instead, to a certain extent, the innovations and breakthroughs, the most prominent cases in order to highlight to the commencement of the process of investigation, and in the case Progressive organizations in the rich network of social backgrounds and personalities life experiences, ups and downs in the plot but nothing bizarre, having sophisticated the reality of the content.Third, the language style: fresh sense of the plain.SeichoMatsumoto's reasoning novels, never deliberately to the bizarre notion thrilling at the scene, dark mysterious castle estate, but instead of writing to touch the daily lives of the little drops of display, and thus the novel between the lines filled with a strong cultural life flavor, the Japanese nation is reflected on the lives of the minor nature observation and sentiment. The permanent house in Christie's detective novels, the entire atmosphere is permeated the aristocracy. At the same time, there is no lack of British countryside atmosphere of the exotic and rich. Consequently, SeichoMatsumoto is reflected by Agatha Christie, and he create a cultural atmosphere of the novel approach, and is different from the former, it was more to dwell this strong cultural atmosphere of life into the reasoning fiction creation, the more entries approached real life, closer to people's hearts, thus greatly strengthening the social reasoning realistic fiction, and readers appreciate the charm of reasoning also receive an additional at the same time enjoying an art.SeichoMatsumoto proclaimed that he was writing for ordinary readers, and his novels were famous for his earthliness writing. Permanent house Christie's detective novels, elegant writing, walked gently worded, the women revealed a unique gentle and delicate writing.SeichoMatsumoto absorbed and learned from the style of Agatha Christie, he didn't confine to the exquisite and humor of these novels characteristics, the more noteworthy is that his warm day-to-day language, we are deeply integrated into the truly feelings of the novels, so that his language is not only popular but also is full of sophisticated emotional and more real-life connotations.Fourth, the background and reasons of the impact.With Christie's high popular atmosphere and Japan's opening and inclusive social and cultural, it created a huge atmosphere that Christie can influence SeichoMatsumoto. In the great social background of Japan, SeichoMatsumoto was digging the social causes of crime in the in-depth reasoning and make the novel creations, and display of intense social conflict, the more commendable things are SeichoMatsumoto went deep into the enunciation of Japanese national heart psychological characteristics and cultural sentiment of "ambiguous" and " sorrowful", but it also made this charming feelings into a real and pure situation.Japan's own culture hadn't been completely absorbed and learned from the foreign experiences and culture, and it was always accompanied by integration of its own culture and foreign experiences and culture as time goes by, and it gradually became an integral part of Japanese heart of their own culture. SeichoMatsumo's reasoning novels were on the basis of absorbing and learning from the detective novels of the Agatha Christie in a wide and deep range, what's more is that he extend the social aspects of development in the authenticity of the deeper and broader, and he uphold the Japanese traditional aesthetic pursuit, consequently, SeichoMatsumo's reasoning novels become both full of rich reasoning charm and a good performance of the literature the work. And his novels had been a strong evidence of the particularity of Japanese cultural had always been absorbing and learning form foreign experiences and culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Reasoning
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