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Japan And China To Send A New Feeling To Send The Relatively New Feeling

Posted on:2009-09-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242981815Subject:World Literature and Comparative Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Neosensulism of China and Japan are sending a new feeling in the country earlier in the modern literary genre, the literary world and the world on their respective literary scene have the effect can not be underestimated. Since the 1980s, due to changes in the concept of literature and literary interpretation of the expansion of space, in the sense of the new allocation of time to become a hot academic research.As Japan, China sent a new sense of the captain - Yasunari Kawabata Mu Shi-ying at the British, they have a lot of comparison can be made. This paper is the focus of study at Mu Shi-ying and Yasunari Kawabata of the impact of creativity and innovation of the British Mu at the end of their ideological inclination to brief analysis. To this end, the text is divided into four sections to explain:Part I: Introduction. Broad interpretation of the significance of this paper, the status of study, research and innovation, research methods.Part II: Japan, China, "a new sense of faction" that the relevant circumstances. Mainly Japan and China introduced a new feeling of a faction, as well as their representatives at the British author Yasunari Kawabata and Mu Shi-ying the relevant circumstances. Finally, the Japanese "new feeling of sending" the Chinese were feeling the impact of the new analysis, mainly from Japan's new party feeling the impact of China and China's new feeling of the party beyond Japan.Part III: Yasunari Kawabata works in the "new" forms of Mu, the British influence. In the subject matter, Yasunari Kawabata's novel theme, such as the end of the century sense of loneliness, alienation, and so on the side, when the British Mu there have been more fully the play in performance practices, Yasunari Kawabata's performance practices (such as stream of consciousness, Performance, and "spiritual sentiment", etc.), when Mu Shi-ying there for the evolution of impressionism and "sensory feelings."Part IV: ideological tendency of the impact studies. Specifically, Yasunari Kawabata has a unique natural beauty of the heart, and Mu Shi-ying, the British intelligence pay special attention to the city. Yasunari Kawabata of natural feeling, deep down he is the "new feeling," but this feeling is built on the traditional Japanese literature on the basis of. This is also why he is in favor of nature because of the writing. Mu Shi-ying, the British "new feeling" is a life-based to the individual pursuit of the arts, culture and also that the traditional character of the infiltration of modern individualism and the awakening of consciousness, the two sides working together, is created when the British Mu "dual character "And in literature has been confirmed.In short, Japan's new sense of China's new party feeling Literature is a far-reaching impact, while China sent a new feeling of transcendence is also very prominent. The impact here is that cross-cultural impact, not simply imitate. Japan's new sense of China's new party were feeling the impact, "In most cases, are not directly impact on the lending and borrowing, word for word can be said to imitate the example of less is little less, the great majority of the affected to some extent have shown For creative change. "By Yasunari Kawabata of Mu Shi-ying, the impact of novels, the writers have been designed to highlight two of the creative style, the two authors of literary and aesthetic value of literature and its contribution to be re-examined to confirm the two writers in the history of literature Status and significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Neosensulism, Yasunari Kawabata, Mu Shi-ying, similarities and differences
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