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Cutural Relics In The Pre-Qin Era & Chinese Rites

Posted on:2008-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is an antiquated and mysterious country with centuries-old and brilliant culture. Many finely-made artworks with high value have come forth. They are the witnesses of Chinese history and provide many clues for us to research ancient history of China. At the same time Chine is a nation of rites with civilized rites and rules, which are the precious wealth bequeathed by our ancesters. It is these "rites" that created Chinese traditional culture. It is true that "rites" and art are closely connected with each other and this connection is reflected by various aristic cultural relics.The pre-Qin aristic cultural relics are at the first place in Chinese archeological history for their high value and good form quality. Once these cultural relics were found out, they were taken as the elegant artworks. And they made the field of art more dignified. These cultural relics involved many artistic forms, such as music, dance, art, etc. Most of them reflected the social situation and people's living conventions. Through research on them, we know that this era was the primeval society and developed with sactifice. Thus certain consciousness of inhibition was reflected in the counciousness of gerentocratic class. The vague conciousness was so-called "rites".The thesis can be devided into four parts. Chapter One introduces pre-Qin "rites". In order to give a clear definition of "rites", the author pays great attention to the definition, origin, development of "rites". Chapter Two is the main part of the thesis and deals with the relationship between "rites" and the pre-Qin cultural relics. The author makes a introduction of "rites" and their sense through relevant music, dance, and artworks. Chapter Three sublimes the "rites" theoretically and endows them with reality. Thus they will have a close relationship with current homonious society. The last part summarizes the whole study and points out the major idea.The "rites" in art were reflected on the form and quatity. At the same time they were reflected on the artistic spirit which is the soul of Chinese ancient culture. Through the analysis and research of three parts, the thesis aims to explain the inherent relationship between "rites" and art, and find out the inherent relationship between the artistic creation and social life. Thus the research will make the conclusion closely connected with the real life and make the theories serve the reality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art, Rites, Dance, Music, Industrial arts, Design
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