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The Symbolic Sense In Mary Barton

Posted on:2009-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242482583Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
William Golding is a productive writer. But in his many works, out of question Lord of the flies is the most representative and brilliant work. Although the work's plot is simple and the leading actors are children, the symbolic meaning is complex and far-reaching. Through the fictive text, exactly to say is the fictitious future to construct the new subversion and consideration of humanness, so it becomes the focus of academia's discussion. The symbolic system exerts the important transitional and conjunctional effect between the text's fiction and the motif's reconstruction. The discourse tries to show the novel's character and the organic system through the analysis of personality and imago and the surrounding.A. The symbol of the character in Lord of the fliesIn Golding's Lord of the flies, symbol is no longer the expressive technique but a holistic literary notion and a method of mastering the world. The primary characters are not only the main bodies of the plot but also take on the mission of Golding's symbol. With the change of surrounding, the important characters decomposed two groups of strength from one unity-one group leaded by lolfe who emphasized logos and the other one leaded by Jack who advocated the crazy action. The novel showed the motif in the two groups'form sitzkrieg and the end.In the two groups, the first group tried to retain the order criterion and the principle of the civilized world and solve the problems they faced with the civilized knowledge and method including making fire and constructing wickiup and assigning tasks and so on. Although from the surface, the tameless strength challenged the effort and the civilized crisis comes, did all the results impute Jack? The author gave the answer of No. The novel uncovers Jack group's atrocity and at the same time doesn't ignore the hesitation of another group even the shadowiness.B. The imago in Lord of the fliesThe imago in Lord of the flies has the orientation of character and impression. It is the character and impression that dilute the imitation in the work so that upgrades the function of symbol. As a philosophical novel, the imago in Lord of the flies has the given meaning of symbol. The imagoes such as the trumpet shell and the fire and the boat and the feigned mask and the beast and the lord of the flies have an important effect in the novel.C. The surrounding in Lord of the fliesThe author plays the story's address in an lonely island which insulates the world and makes the setting pure and absolute consciously. That makes the novel show the story in a station of isolation and abstract in order to experience the cognition of human nature. So the special arrangement has the given meaning of symbol.From the content of the story, Lord of the flies belongs to the traditional branch of Robinson Crusoe and Bullion Island and Coralline Island. But in fact the novel is the irony imitation to them concretely.The island that Golding portrays is just a carrier the same with Shakespeare's. It's true face bases on the philosophical thought and the deep worry to the human nature and the human's future. D. The organic symbolic system in Lord of the fliesIn the novel Lord of the flies, Golding excavates the human's internecine root which hasn't stopped for thousands of years with his special thought and calm. That is to say, it is a modern parable that uncovers the human's evil. The novel intercalates a series of human's contradiction such as the origin kindness and the evil, human nature and beast nature, the sense and sensibility even the civilization and wildness. The result of conflict among them shows the frailty of civilization and sense and the difficulty of pursuing the order of democratization. In the presence of desire and wildness, why does the civilization show the great fragility? Perhaps that is the thought that the novel gives us.The novel Lord of the flies makes the story's time and space far away from the present. It expresses some opinions through the characters and the plot full of symbolic meaning in order to mock the real world. Because of the integration of fiction and reality, and at the same time the fictive plot always turns into concrete form while the reality hides in the fictive part, the connective function of symbol exerts an important effect especially. Through the symbolic analysis of the character and imago and the surrounding, it can conform all the meaning of the novel and observe the author's cognition and his special sense and the creative expression even his expectation. What the author's expression is not the human's kindness and help each other, but the evil and the internecine among human. The author points at the deep crisis in the present of human not the brilliant future in the human world. In the novel, what we observe and feel is not the release and happiness but the heaviness and the saline.
Keywords/Search Tags:Symbolic
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