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On Wu Mei's Traditional Opera

Posted on:2009-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J T LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242477130Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wu Mei is a famous traditional opera theorist and traditional opera writer in the transformational period. The aesthetic thoughts of his traditional opera, served as a link between past and future, occupy a position of academic importance and possess a particular aesthetic value in the history of aesthetic thought in modern China.The thesis can embrace five chapters altogether. The first chapter mainly discuses the life of Wu Mei and the background of aesthetic thought.; The second chapter concerns the culture demand of Wu Mei's works; The third chapter talks about aesthetic characteristic; The fourth chapter introduces the great achievements of Wu Mei's transmission of traditional opera; And the last chapter compares the points of view between Wu Mei and Wang Guowei.This thesis is aimed at reviewing Wu Mei's traditional opera theory with new methods and angles in a new field. Its purpose is to flourish and improve the research of current traditional opera theory, to carry forward the traditional culture of China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wu Mei, traditional opera, creation, truth/interest/beauty
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