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On Adaptation Of Literary Works Of Chinese Movie

Posted on:2008-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242473594Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese movie art has got through repeated tribulations during the passed hundred years. During that time, the vast resources of literature have been accompanying it from the outset, enlightening and helping it, which have powerfully impelled its development.From 1896 to 1930s, the Chinese movie was born and grew under the unsettled social environment, and took a step difficultly. Just like the earliest movie such as Train going into the station, Baby eating his soup, The Sprayer Sprayed in the world at that time, the first Chinese movie the Dingjun Mountain was also a primitive record of the realistic things. What is more, the Dingjun Mountain is the Chinese traditional play, selecting material from the classical work the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. This indicates that, the Chinese movie first accompanied the play; however, the Dingjun Mountain was presented on the silver screen in the form of primitive record. Although the first Chinese movie did not use the literary works directly, its content originated from classic works. With time passing, people soon were becoming weary of this form of record, which promoted the Chinese movie person to search the movie in other fields. Therefore, literature works started to enter their fields such as play script, novel and so on. From then on, the literature-adapted movie followed the development of the Chinese movie year by year.This diachronic article is divided into three chapters to elaborate the development of the adaptations to the literature works. Through analyzing the practice of the adaptations to Chinese movie, this article summarizes and analyzes the experiences and the insufficient adaptations during the development of the Chinese movie, explains and induces the suitable theory and the method in the adaptations to Chinese literature resources; I hope this article might do well to the healthy development of the adaptation. The first chapter elaborates the adaptations of the movie to the literary works from 1905 to 1949. At first the Chinese movie was the primitive record to the play, and then it created the movie using the play-script of wenming. Afterwards, the novel of Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School sent the movie a comprehensive contact, making an important influence to the development of the Chinese movie art. It not only promoted the formation of the narrative model of the popular literature, but also established the style of the cinema. Most of Chinese ancient movies also took materials from the classical works, and they were the Chinese earliest type. After the 30s, the new-vernacular literary works have been moving onto the silver screen. The adaptation of Spring Silkworm achieved a new level. After the eruption of the Sino-Japanese War, Shanghai became the enemy-occupied area, which is called Isolated Island. However, this time the movie person used the classical literary resource, successfully portrayed brand-new hero to express the patriotic mood and to struggle with the enemy invader.The second chapter elaborates the adaptations to the literary works after our nation being founded and during the period of the Great Cultural Revolution. After new China being founded, movie art obtained a rapid development, but it obviously got the influence of the ideology. This time the movie adaptation further emphasized this principle--the faith to the original works, strengthened to perform the subject of time, noticed to build the tense conflicts of the plays, explored the national cinema, expressed emotion, human nature and so on in the movie implicitly. During the ten years of Great Cultural Revolution, the development of the movie art had almost stopped progressing, but the movie about the adaptation of the literary work actually let us see a light in the dim year during the later period of the Great Cultural Revolution.The third chapter elaborates the adaptations to the literary works during the modem period. This period, the adapted movie obtains an ideal release. The adapted movie has been melted into more and more elements of the personal creations. The principle of being faith to the original works is no longer the only principle of the adaptations to the movie. In modern period the model of the adaptations also changes. It breaches the model of play-thinking long ago, melts into the literature-thinking model and cinema model. Three kind of thinking models begins to take affect on the adaptations to the literary movie together. After the 90s, the movies move towards the market comprehensively, and become the cultural commodities of the popular. This period the adapted movie presents new characters: it pays a great more attentions to the selection of the theme which the literary resources involve; Further it emphasizes the function of the cinema upon the adaptations, and strengthens the impulse of vision and listening; it also excavates and manufactures the possible theme for market, favorites to narrative the plot of the story while it adds the elements of the play and melts the play-thinking into the adaptations ingeniously. The new change of the adaptations plays an important role of opening the market for the movies and satisfying the audience's consumption.Although there are such words Chinese movie in this article's topic, for the limit of the information and the length, this article does not involve in the Hong Kong and Taiwan movie. In future when I have leisure time, I will write another special article to deliberate it.
Keywords/Search Tags:literary works, Chinese movie, movie art, adaptation
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